Chapter 81.

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•July 15,1989•

After Caitlyn left, I made all the necessary phone calls and soon everyone I needed was here or on their way (not including the guests.)

I heard a knock on the door, and opened it to find my smiling brothers.

"Hey guys! You made it." I smiled hugging them one by one as they waked in.

"Of course we did. This means a lot to you so we're glad to help." Tito said and the others agreed.

"Oh, and we brought an extra pair of hands." Jermaine said and opened the door wider.

And there stood my father.

"Hey, Michael. Um, the boys asked if I would come and help you with this. I agreed and I hope it's okay that I did."

I hugged him and nodded.

"Of course it is."

"So, um just find one of the party planners or maids with clipboards and they'll tell you what to do." They all did as told and went to go find something to do.

Right before I turned around to go help, there was another knock on the door.

I opened it and there stood Janet, Shawn, Marie, and her boyfriend.

"Janet! Thank god you're here!"

"Why wouldn't I be? I was the one who helped you come up with this idea."

That's right. Janet was the one who was helping me plan this entire thing.

"I see you all have bags. I'm assuming you're getting washed up and changed here?" I asked them.

"Yup. Your sisters idea." Shawn laughed.

I nodded as Bill and Nate took their stuff to one of the guest rooms.

"Now, let me go make sure everything is going right and everything looks like I want it to."

Janet smiles widely, kissed my cheek then walked past me.

"Well, you three don't have to help. You could just hang out if you'd like."  I offered.

"Are you kidding me? This is for my bestie Michael! I have to go with Janet and make sure everything is perfect!"

She she gave me a hug, then went off to find Janet.

"Look man, Janet's so excited for this. And I'm happy for you and Caitlyn so, I'll help with anything you need." Shawn said.

"Thank you so much, I guess you could go with Janet too. I'm sure she'll find something for you to do." We chuckled and he walked past me patting my shoulder.

I turned back to King. Well his name was Marcus. Marucs Kingston Wright, to be exact. But everyone either called him Marcus or Kingston and I wanted to be different, so I started calling him King. We are actually really good friends.

"I'm ready to help with whatever too. I know this means a lot to everyone. Just tell me where to go."

"Thanks King, you could just ask one of the maids."

He nodded and went on to go find something to do, and so did I.

This event had decorations inside, and the main foods were going to be kept inside but it was actually being held outside, so there was a lot that needed to be done.

I checked the time and we still had a lot of time to prepare for this but I was stil nervous and I wanted everything perfect.

As soon as I walked outside and down the pavement to where the decorations were being set up, everyone rushed to me with papers and clipboards and pen.

"Mr.Jackson! We need you to sign here! Mr.Jackson where would you like...Mr.Jackson where does this...Mr.Jackson does this look...Mr.Jackson!Mr.Jackson!"

I let out a loud sigh and hoped this would soon be over.

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