Chapter 4.

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~in NYC~

I get to the hotel and enter through the back. I can't believe nobody noticed me in the simplest of disguises. Anyways I head to my room and Dave helps me take my luggages and such.
"Okay now what? It's uh- 11:30 AM. I wonder if Caitlyn's up yet. She's a heavy sleeper" I smile thinking about the times she slept over when we were teenagers.
"Shush, she slept over to stay with Janet and LaToya, not you. They're obviously really close."
"Yeah but then again she always talked to me too. And I always caught her smiling at me.
"'Cause you always made jokes around her dim whit"
The argument with myself was going nowhere. I did always make jokes around her, she was so funny and she laughed at everything. I loved her laugh and her smile. I was never nervous around her. But as soon as we became alot closer, when I was near her I got a weird feeling in my stomach. I hope she still lives in the same apartment she did when I recieved her last letter 5 years ago. I'll have Paul go check it out while I figure out what I'm gonna do when I see her.
Paul returns and let's me know that the lady at the desk informed him that a "Ms. Caitlyn Hendricks" does live there. I was glad. But when would I show up? And how? What was I going to say? I don't know.
I take a steamy shower to try and relax. I get dressed in a white button up shirt, black socks and my loafers. Just as I finish the phone rings. I hesitate to pick it up not knowing who else knows my location and room number.
"Um. H-Hello?"
"Michael? How was the flight? How are you feeling?"
"Oh, mother, it's only you. The flight was okay, I'm fine, thank you. How are you? Are they awake yet?"
-the conversation goes on-
"Okay, well I have to get ready if I'm going to head out, okay?" I say, we've been on the phone for over two and a half hours discussing my plans with Caitlyn and her plans to tell my family where I am.
"Okay. And Michael. Flowers! Don't forget flowers!"
"I won't. I love you Mother. Okay. Thanks. Goodbye." I hang up the phone chuckling at the fact that she's so worried. It's around 2:30 PM now. I should go to Caitlyn's right now. We have a lot of catching up to do. But first I have to buy the perfect flowers.

Yay! Michael's FINALLY going to see Caitlyn! Wish him luck! I know he's nervous haha. ~L.M.F.M


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