Chapter 43.

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°December 14, 1987.°

Sometimes I just can't control myself.
I can't stop these thought I have about Caitlyn.
I don't like the way we have been acting towards each other since the tour started. I know I'm being overly protective but it's beacuse I love her. It's also because I need her.
It's desire....

The lights flash in my eyes as Caitlyn and I stop for pictures on the red carpet. We smile and hold hands and even kiss for the cameras. Then walk inside.
Walking in I see people I've worked with and many people I want to work with in the near future.
I walk over to Quincy.
"Hey! What's up?"
"Nothing much Smelly." he laughs.
"Um, this is Caitlyn... My girl."
I step to the side a little so he can see her.
He smiles widely at her shaking her hand.
"Boy have I heard a lot about you, Ms.Hendricks."
"Thank you so much. Caitlyn is fine. I'm a big fan of yours Sir. I can say I've heard a lot about you as well."
"Really? Like what?"
Caitlyn laughs and takes a seat next Quincy and they start a conversation.
I walk around greeting everyone and having small conversations here and there.
After a while Quincy says goodbye as he has to catch an early flight tomorrow morning.
So if Quincy left, where's Cait?
I look around, scanning the room fo Caitlyn, then spot her talking to another guy at the bar.
I watch as he points behind him and she smiles and walks with him to the outside area.
"Michael! I'm so glad you came!" I hear Brooke exclaim behind me.
"Oh. Thanks for inviting me-us."
"Yeah yeah no problem! I haven't seen you in a while... Drinks?"
"Actually I was going to go find Caitlyn, I think we should get going."
"Already? It's only 10:30! C'mon it wouldn't hurt to just chat."
I sigh and give up walking to the bar with her.
"Mikey can we leave now? Please?" Caitlyn whispers in my ear.
"Okay I'll-"
"Hey! Sorry I'm leaving now actually." I turn around to see the man she was talking to earlier standing in front of her.
"Here take my number and call me sometime. Don't loose contact okay?" He hands her a slip of paper and she smiles.
"Of course not! I'll call. It was nice seeing you!" they hug then he walks away and stare at Caitlyn.
"Ready to go?" shs asks.
"Okay Brooke, well I think it's been long enough. Again thanks for inviting us."
Brooke smiles at me.
"Oh anytime Michael. Stay in touch, will you?" she winks.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Caitlyn roll her eyes. She's been annoyed by Brooke for half an hour now.
"Call me tonight Michael? I-" Caitlyn suddenly interupts her.
"No he won't call you tonight. Sorry."
Brooke looks at her with confusion and disappointment written on her face.
"Why wouldn't he call?"
"He just wont. I'm sorry he has things to do, he just won't be calling you. And by the way-" before Caitlyn can finish I grab her hand and pull her outside and into the limo.
"What the hell Caitlyn? I said behave!"
"I did Michael."
"No! You didn't!"
She stays silent on the way to the hotel and once we're inside I lead her past the living room and to the bedroom of the suite.
"Now tell me what the hell that was about Caitlyn. You didn't even behave!"
"Yes I did! I'm not some little kid Michael, I can make my own desicions!"
"No you didn't behave. Getting some guys number then talking to Brooke like that at her own party is not behaving!"
"You know I don't like Brooke Michael. But your right I'm sorry."
"Okay. But don't change the subject about that guy who gave you his number!"
"That Guy happens to be Marie's best-guy-friend! He's a fashion designer at L.F.T in another location and guess what!? He just happens to be gay!"
"Yeah. Oh."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm tired of arguing Michael. Just drop it, apology accepted. It's okay,"
"Now tell me, why were you crying?"
She sighs and walks towards the bed waiting for my approval to be able to sit. I nod my head a little and she sits, grabbing a pillow and hiding her face.
She says something that is inaudible due to the pillow.
"Not good enough." is the only thing I can make out.
"Baby not good enough? For what?"
She lets out a deep sigh and lets the pillow fall.
"For you Michael. I'm not good enough for you."
My heart sinks at her words and it feels like it's going to be yanked out.
How is she not good enough for me?
"What are you talking about?"
She stands up and walks over to the mirror.
"A.J was right Michael. Everything he ever told me was true. I'm fat, ugly, no. Hideous, stupid, worthless, waste of time and space, a good-for-nothing- piece of shit, annoying-"
I didn't want to hear anymore. She was lying to herself and A.J was the one who stuck these ideas in her head. I could kill him for that.
"Stop! Right now Caitlyn. You aren't any of those things.. You are beyond beautiful, creative, intelligent, sweet, humble, loving and caring, you have your mind set on the things you want in life. You have determination and motivation. Even though I've known you pratically my whole life everyday I learn something about you and I love that. You are so different than all those girls out there. Baby your perfect."
She wipes away her tears.
"Thanks Michael. Honestly I don't know what I would do without you. YOU are the perfect one Michael. You are all that and much more. I'm blessed. I really am. I love you. But Michael your saying that to not hurt my feelings. I know it."
I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her hugging her.
As soon as my hands drop to her waist areas she pushes away.
"Michael. Don't. I'm- well, I'm fat. I don't want you to see me this way. This is so embarassing."
I bring her back into my embrace then carefully and, with her knowledge of course, unzip her dress letting it fall to the floor.
She immediatly tries to cover her body and face.
I just don't get it.
She isn't the skinniest. But she isn't fat. She's curvy. Small waist and flat tummy. She has big thighs and a nice rear. She wasn't too busty, but she did have something. To me she was perfect.
And I'll prove it.
"Don't hide away from me. I will repeat it if I have to. I'll tell you all day every single day that you are perfect and you don't have to change a single thing about yourself. It's not even just what's on the outside that's perfect, your perfect on the inside too."
I meant every single word that I said to her in this moment.
I carefully picked her up ready to prove it to her.
Ready to prove all my love to her.
Ready to prove that I really did love her.


Okay, so no dets just know it did go down if youuu know what I mean. Cause...idk imagine your own scene but i am not writing one of these scenes -nor is my cousin- sorry to dissapoint. Let me know what you think in the comments my Moonwalkies. I hope I'm updating enough for you. I didn't realize how far along I am into this fan fic!! After this one i've already outlined, semi-planned and kinda started ideas on 2 more books. Yay. This one wont end soon I don't think. Anywayys I hope you enjoyed. Have a good day ~L.M.F.M <3


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