Chapter 23.

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"Michael what are you doing here, I-"
Before I could finish Mr.Jacobs interupts me.
"Mr.Jackson! It's nice to see you again! Please have a seat."
"It's nice to see you too sir, thank you."
Marie clears her throat and extends her hand towards Michael being professional
"Hello Mr.Jackson, I'm Marie Cambell."
Michael shakes her hand while replying,
"Hello, Miss Cambell, it's nice to see you."
"Please, call me Marie." she answers sitting down opening her sketch pads.
Michael glances over at me before extending his arm towards me,
"Hello, Ms.Hendricks"
I shake his hand nervously.
"H-hello Mr.Jackson."
I sit next to Marie and open my notes as Michael sits.
Okay, just be professional. That's all it is.
"Alright, down to buisness" Michael says folding his hands on the table.
"Filming will start October 5th. We have 5 weeks to finish it all. Short notice but it shouldn't be too difficult. Any ideas?"
"Um, I- I uh yeah."
I pitch Michael my ideas and he finally decides on one.
"It will need so editing but I like it. Thank you."
"Thank you Mr.Jackson."
The room falls awkwardly silent. "I think, um, you should talk wardrobe now. Talk to Marie here about that."
Michael nods and he and Marie talk about possible outfits for the video. I zoned them out the entire time. I couldn't focus.
Why is he here? Why is he acting like nothings happened?
He hurt me, and now he's here like nothing.
Should I talk to him about it?
No, he didn't talk to you when it happened so why talk now.
My thoughts were causing me to grow angry with Michael.
"Caitlyn! Meetings over." Marie whispers and nudges me. I look up to see Michael and Mr.Jacobs standing and talking. Marie starts to walk out as I remian seated. She says her goodbye's and leaves.
I gather my belongings and try to quickly leave the room just to have my papers fall out of my notebook.
Me.Jacobs walks out of the room not caring.
Michael rushes over and helps me pick up my papers.
"Thanks." I say avoiding eye contact and walking around him.
As I'm about to turn the knob and walk out I feel a hand pulling me back by arm.
"What? What do you want Michael?"
He doesn't answer.
"Oh I'm sorry where are my manners. What can I get you Mr.Jackson Sir?"
I ask sarcasticaly.
"Cait it's been THREE years since we've talked, and this is how you treat me?"
I snatch my arm from his grip.
"After three years you care right? Makes complete sense."
"Cait what-"
"I've got to go. I'll see you soon Mr.Jackson"
I quickly walk out and into the elevator using the 'close door' button to make sure Michael couldn't get in. Once I reach the lobby I practically run out and to my car, starting it up as fast as I could.
I hate him. I don't want to talk to him.
Okay I'm lieing.
I don't hate him and I do want to talk to him.
I want an explanation as to why he said what he said.
It's been three years. Three.
I don't hate him. But do I still love him?
I'm not sure right now.
I finally arrived back to Marie's house and look around for her.
She must've stayed a little longer at work. I drag myself to my room and into the shower letting it take away my thoughts.
But I simply cannot take away the fact that I have just seen Michael after three years.
What am I going to do?


What!?!? Three years? Haha yeah time skip. Did I confuse you Moonwalkies? Ha. But what happend? Why did they stop talking? Hmmm find out soon peeps. L.M.F.M


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