Chapter 7.

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We finally manage to get through the papparazzi and into the restaurant. I had a booth reserved for us at the back of the restaurant. We're seated and wait for our orders to be taken. The waiter comes over and looks at Cait. When Cait looks up at the waiter her eyes widen. I can't help but notice tears forming in her eyes. But I don't ask her about.
Does she know him? From where? Why's she about to cry? Is she okay? I'll ask her later.
We eat our salads and have a small conversation talking about simple things like how we've been and stuff like that. Then it got silent. I wanted to catch up but I didn't know what to ask,
"So, Cait. Are you dating anybody?" I blurt out then slap my hand to my mouth. Her eyes widen but she answers
"Oh, um, I was. But not anymore. So the answer is no."
This is great!
"How about you, Mr. Superstar?" she says sarcastically
"Actually, no, I'm not I-" before I can finish the waiter interupts me setting down our plates and saying
"Here are your meals. Need anything else? No? Good." he and Cait make eye contact for a while then he walks away quickly. I make a face at the waiter. I look back at Cait who is trying so hard not laugh but she can't hold it any longer and she burst out laughing.


I bursted out laughing and Michael doesn't even know why.
"Oh boy, Michael you should see the look on your face right now!" I say laughing.
"That was really rude of him"
"It's okay Michael. It's not your fault. But your reaction was priceless! You should have seen your face!" I laugh.
As I finally get my breath back I feel my cheeks heat up noticing Michael staring at me. I look away and keep eating my food.
The room falls silent after that, nobody says a word.
We continue to eat in silence.


I look down only to feel something hit my forhead. I look up and see Cait calmly eating her food. I put my hand to my forhead, wipe it and look to see it's spagetti. Cait bursts out laughing., again.
I smile and as she's laughing take some spagetti and throw it at her.
"Your on big guy!" she giggles throwing spagetti at me.
We toss spagetti back and forth at each other. She has spagetti everywhere.
I look at her and she's smiling down taking spagetti off of her now ruined dress.
She's beautiful.
---- Afterwards Michael takes Cait back home and escorts her to her room ----

I invite Michael into my aparment.
"Michael, I had a great time tonight." I hug him but quickly back away pointing to his shirt.
"Michael I'm so sorry, I got spagetti on your white shirt!"
"Oh it's fine" he laughs
"I missed you so much Michael. And I-" I stop myself midsentence.
Tell him.
Don't you dare tell him.
Tell him now. He probably has to leave New York soon. Who knows how long you'll have to wait to see him again.
Man I'm not sure what to do.
Caitlyn just do whatever feels right at the moment.
Yeah, yeah okay I'll do that.
I snap back to reality with Michael waving his hands in my face whispering
"Cait. Planet Earth to Cait! Helloooo"
"Oh sorry. Um- what was I saying?" I hoped he forgot already
"Oh, you were saying you missed me and..." he gestured for me to continue my sentence.
"And- I love you. I love you Michael.,Not just as bestfriends, okay? I have feelings for you. I've liked you since you were 12 and I was 11. But when you left me, you know, stopped communicating for 5 years, it faded. And now those same feelings are back. And now they're stronger than just a 'like'. It's okay that you don't feel the same way." I look at Michael and wait for his response but I don't get one. I look down dissapointed and angry at myself,for blurting that out.
Your. So. Stupid. That's not how you were supposed to say it. He thinks your a creep, and he'll never eant to talk to you again.
"I'm so sorry Michael, I shouldn't have said that. I just-" I trail off and start to cry. I feel Michael's finger under my chin lifting my face so that I'm looking into his eyes. He puts his other hand on my cheek and uses his thumb to wipe away the tears. He leans in and closes his eyes, and I do the same.
As his lips touch mine I feel a sudden rush through my body, I feel warm inside. I know that it is love.
He pulls away slightly and whispers "I love you too" and he kisses me again, this time a little more passionate. I have the best feeling right now in my stomach. I feel that nothing can ruin this feeling.

But then the door swimgs open..


They finally kissed! Michael has guts! Haha. Who's at the door though? Marie said Les was sick and she wouldn't be able to go anywhere. Find out in the next chapter my friends ;) L.M.F.M <3


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