Chapter 73.

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•March 23,1989•

Caitlyn has recovered very well from the hospital incident, but I felt as if there was something holding her back. I kept asking her and asking her but she said she didn't understand what I was talking about or coming from.

I realized she'd been somewhat distancing herself from everyone. Not just me but also from Maribell and Dunk.

(Maribell is Marie, it's the nickname I gave her. Caitlyn and I also call her by her middle name sometimes, which is Andrea.)


I know one of the reasons is because she's put on some weight because of the baby and the healthy food thing went out the window because she just refused to do it anymore.

She still eats healthy but it's not a diet type thing like before, which is perfectly fine with me.

But there was something more too. And I finally figured it out.

Well Janet and Marie did, and they told me.

It was her father. The whole problem with her father was still holding her back. She was confused about.. Pretty much everything.

I knew she loved him and cared for him in some way because if not, it wouldn't have upset her as much as it did. So, after some convincing I finally got her to agree to speaking to him, in person. I had to make sure she was okay with it before he came so she wouldn't have a panic attack.

I still had has number, so I called him and told him it was about Caitlyn and he instantly agreed. He said he'd be back in town in a week. And you know what?

It's been a week.

He was coming over for dinner today and the tension between Caitlyn and I was over the roof. 

I knew she was upset that I came up with the idea to do this but I didn't think it would be such a big deal.

I walked in to the room to find her in her robe, I'm guessing she just showered.

She walks in and out of the closet, holding clothes up to her body in the full length mirror, searching for something to wear for tonight.

I sat at the edge of the bed, and watched her.

"Listen, Caitlyn. If this upsets you that much, I'll call your father and cancel. I don't want you to stress or put you in harms way and I don't want to upset you either."

She sighed and walked over to me, positioning herself in between my legs and playing with my curls.

"Michael, I'm not upset at you. I'm actually very thankful that you're doing this for me. It means a lot to me. Thank you Michael, really, I appreciate it." She says kissing my lips sweetly.

I look into her eyes and I see the old Caitlyn shining through. The Caitlyn that was always cheerful and happy, she was coming back. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I'd do anything for you, to see you happy, and to keep that pretty little smile on your face."

She bluhsed.

"But Caitlyn, it you aren't upset at me, then what's wrong?"

"I'm just nervous, that's all. I've always wanted to know my father and the day I do meet him, I lash out on him. I shouldn't have done that. What if he hates me now and he's coming to tell me that he never wants anything to do with ever again. Or what if he tells me something horrible? What then? I guess, it's just confusing, you know?" She rants.

I stroke her arm soothingly.

"I promise none of that will happen. I may not know him very well, but I see he really does love and care for you, okay? Now get dressed he should be here any minute, dress comfortably, okay?"

She nods and puts all the clothes back in the closet except a dress. It's all white with a black band just above where the baby bump starts. She pulls out a pair of black sandals, and pulls half of her curled hair into a ponytail, leaving the rest of down at her shoulders.

She applies mascara and lipstick and checks herself in the mirror and I giggle at all her choice seeing she's matching my outfit.

"What's so funny?" She questions smiling.

"You copied me." I tell her pointing down at her dress.

She looks down and laughs.

"No, you copied me."

"I was dressed before you silly." I giggle shaking my head.

"I guess you're right. It's okay Michael, you look better in it anyways. You look sexy." She winks causing me to blush.

"Thank you, but nobody can ever look better than you."

I walk towards her and kiss her lips then bend down, placing a kiss on her baby bump.

We hear the doorbell go off and I look at Caitlyn to see her eyes closed.


"I'm ready for this, Michael. I can do it." She says smiling and I smile back nodding at her bravery.

We walk down the stairs and I tell Caitlyn to wait in the dining room as I go to get the door.

I hope this goes as planned.

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