Chapter 54.

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•February 19,1989•

I watch as everyone floods into the room.
Caitlyn is overwhelmed with joy, almost crying.
"Oh my gosh.." She stutters, watching everyone pile in.

First Janet then Rebbie, followed by 'Toya, Randy, Marlon, Tito, Jackie and Jermaine.
"Hey guys." Caitlyn whispers, smiling from ear to ear, tears falling to her cheeks.
They all greet her, then me.
"What are you guys doin here?"
"Oh you know, just hangin out." Janet rolls her eyes playfully.
"We came to visit you," Jermaine says, winking slyly, smirking
I glance at Cait and she blushes looking down.
My eyes travel from Jermaine to Caitlyn.

What the hell was that !?
I open my mouth to say something but Rebbie put her hand on my shoulder and squeezes it lighly, catching my attention.
When I look over to her she simply shakes her head and mouths
"No. It's not worth it." then nods her head towards Cait.
I sigh knowing she's right.

"Hey now, don't give her such a hard time. We're here to cheer her up, right?" Someone says.
"That's right." Another voice chuckles causing all our heads to turn to the door.
"Mama? .. J-Joseph." Caitlyn asks, just as confused as the rest of us.

"Hello darling, hello everyone..." Mother smiles warmly.
"How are you?" Joseph asks. Walking towards Caitlyn.
She takes her hand in his then places his other hand ontop of it.

"I hope you recover quickly."
Everyone stands in confusion, shooting glances at once another, mouthing questions at one another.

He's- he's being so nice to her. This is so new. This is the nicest he's ever been... To her.
What changed that?

My thoughts are interrupted when the door closes, and I see there's nobody in the room except... Joseph.
"Caitlyn, I just wanted to apologize."

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