Chapter 89.

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•July 15,1989•

Caitlyn and I watched as Kalani walked over to us smiling, holding two big ballons.

She handed us each a ballons and needle and congratulated us before walking away.

I examined the ballon that was in my left hand, it was a black with gold letters spelling out "Boy or Girl?" 

I looked over at Caitlyn who had her balloon in her right hand, so they were both beside each other.

She nodded at me and smiled.

"Well, count us down!" I yelled.

"10,9,8..." Randy yelled starting the countdown and everyone joined.

When they reached 5 Caitlyn and I both put or needles up and at the count of "one" we pushed the needle into the balloon and all around us fell soft tissue paper confetti.

I opened my eyes and looked at the floor, then at Caitlyn, who seemed just as confused as me.

We looked up at everyone and they all stood there with wide eyes.

It's ruined, something went wrong and now this isn't perfect.

"Well? Isn't anyone excited." Janet yelled laughing.

I shook my head, as she walked over to us and asked for a mic.

"Janet this makes no sense, there is blue and pink confetti on the floor. How is that-"

"They're having twins! A boy and a girl!" She said into the mic.

My heart stopped and mouth fell to floor.

Everyone's cheer was louder than ever and it buzzed in my ear.

I turned to Caitlyn who was holding her belly, confused written all over her face.

"Michael, we- we're having twins." She smiled brightly and I don't think I've ever seen her eyes sparkle as much as they were in that moment.

I took her in my arms squeezing her as tears of joy fell down my cheeks. I pulled back only to hold her face and lean in for a kiss.

The guests cheering still hasn't died down and Janet couldn't stop giggling.

Mother and Joseph came to us first. Mother was crying happy tears and Joseph smiled.

My brothers and sisters followed suit and soon everyone was around us, crying happy tears and smiling.

I was overwhelmed with joy and I could only imagine how Caitlyn was feeling.

Twins. We're having twins. Two babies, at the same time! A boy and girl! I couldn't be happier, this was perfect.

I smiled at Caitlyn and held her hand, feeling the same sparks I felt when we were younger.

Everything was going perfect.

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