Chapter 88.

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•July 15,1989•

Everyone cheered and clapped and whistled and some even cried.

I sat covering my face not wanting everyone to see me cry but I couldn't hold it.

"Thank you." Michael smiled to the audience.

I bounced up and into Michael's arm, kissing him and thanking him.

He held me tight, telling me he loved me.

It seemed the whole world around us disappeared and we stared into each others eyes.

Michael wiped away my tears smiling and cupped my face coming in for another kiss.

We heard everyone cheering once again, which made us blush and pull apart.

Michael held my hand and the music began playing causing everyone to get up out of their seats.

Everyone continued doing their own thing, like they would at any other party.

Michael and I walked around and greeted everyone together.

We danced and laughed and ate and did everything we could together.

The sun had set and everyone was still here but the air was much cooler and everything was less rowdy.

Michael had taken off his jacket a while ago and was now putting it over my shoulders and wrapped his arm around me.

I was cold, even though we'd just finished dancing.

I leaned my head on Michael's shoulder, unable to stop smiling.

This can't get any better. There just wasn't any way anything could top this all off.

I saw as some carriers were bringing out the cake and then I remembered we hadn't revealed the gender yet.

As if reading my mind Janet rushed over to us and grabbed our hands, leading us once again to the dance floor asking everyone to not take a seat, but just step off the platform.

Soon the photographers were the only ones still on the platform. (At a small distance).

I grabbed Michael's hand, because I wasn't sure how we were supposed to reveal the gender.

It was Janet who had planned this and for all I know, she could be throwing blue or pink paint on us to reveal it.

I looked up and saw that all the Jackson's were standing in front of us, and so was my father, since they were the closest family.

Soon, I saw Kalani walk out and I knew how we were doing this reveal.

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