Chapter 36.

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°November 15, 1987.°

I sit at the edge of the bed and waited for Michael.
He had just finished showing me the other 3 rooms Jermaine missed.
I learned one was Michael's room which was beautiful. It was even two stories! It had the most beautiful furniture, painting, drawers, the bed was huge, upstairs was beautiful as well. It was just breathtaking.
The one next to it was another bedroom, which was smaller, but also quite beautiful.
The one at the end of the hall was a guest room, but Michael had made it somehwere he could go if he needed to just think or wanted to write or anything. It was a huge room. There was a piano in there, one wall was full with mirrors. The other wall had a huge window that had a beautiful view of the garden. The other side had paintings and small couches. It also had a few books. It was the perfect place to relax. Even with everything in it, it had plenty of extra room.
Michael finally came out of the bathroom and I quickly stood up.
"You didn't have to stand up. It's okay."
"Sorry, it's a habit." I laughed.
"I know. You did it as a teenager too."
I blushed as I remembered. Whenever I was at the Jackson's talking to Jan, Reb, 'Toya or Randy Man, I would sit at the edge of the bed.
Everytime someone walked in I would jump up, afraid they'd be mad.
Whenever it was Michael who walked in, he would tease me about it.
Michael sat where I once was and pulled me so I was standing between his legs.
"So, Michael what did you have to talk to me about?"
He thought about it for a minute then stood up and placed his hands on my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I'll tell you tomorrow."
I rolled my eyes.
I seriously hate when he does this.


You have to tell her soon.
I will. Tomorrow.
I saw as Cait rolled her eyes at me and I chuckled.
"We'll talk about it tomorrow. I promise."
"I want to know now." she whined and stuck her bottom lip out pouting.
I leaned in and kissed her pouting lips. She pulled away and pouted again.
"That's not making me changed my mind."
I softly bit her bottom lip before pulling away and relpying.
"I know. It's cute when you don't get what you want. You pout."
"I do not!"
"Yes you do. I'm your bestfriend I know everything about you."
Once again pouting, she dropped her hands from my neck.
"Well, am I sleeping in the room next to yours or am I sleeping in one of the other guest rooms?"
I shook my head and chuckled.
"What's funny?"
I looked at her and smiled as I picked her up.
"Watch the hands bestfriend."
I knew what she was talking about. I left my hands where they were, on her rear. I turned around and placed her on the bed, climbing on top of her.
"Whatever, babe." I smirked.
"You still didn't tell me where I'm sleeping.
"Here. Duh. With me."
"In the same bed?"
"Yup. Right next to me."
"Really!?" she asked excitedly.
"Um, yeah..?" I asked confused.
"You mean THE Michael Jackson is going to let me sleep in his room, at his new house!? Better yet, in his bed, right next to him!?" she asked proping herself on her elbows and smirking.
I climbed off of her noticing her little game. I playfully pushed her shoulder.
She laughed at her own game, which was cute. She laughed like it was the funniest thing ever.
I got up from the bed while she was still laughing and headed for the bathroom to change.
After I quickly changed into sweatpants and a loose white shirt I walked out of the bathroom to see Cait still smiling.
"It wasn't that funny Cait."
"Yes it was. I think your mad you aren't as funny as me."
I laughed and climbed into bed as she made her way to the bathroom.
After a couple minutes I heard her call me.
I felt my stomach flip.
I don't think she's ever called me baby. I should be used to her calling me things like that, but I'm not.
Even kissing her feels like a first kiss. She just has that affect on me, and I'm not sure why.
I think I really fell deeply in love with her.
More than I thought.
"Baby?" I heard her call again.
"Oh- uh yeah? Are you okay?"
"Um, yes. But I just realised all my clothes is in Hayvenhurst. I need a pair to sleep in. I can't just sleep in my undergarments"
"You act like I've never seen that before." I laugh
"Michael!" she excalimes only making me laugh harder.
"Just grab something from my drawer."

Finally after what seemed like forever she walks out wearing one of my loose shirts.
I bite my lip at the sight of her.
Even in just a shirt she looks fine.
Man, she's just...
What am I doing?
Why am I thinking like this?
She is my girl...,
I shake my head to clear my thoughts.
Cait clears her throat and I look to see she's at the other side of the bed.
"May I?" she asks shyly.
"Of course babe. You don't have to ask to get into your own bed."
"Sorry baby. Feels wierd. Feels like i'm getting into bed with my best guy friend." she says climbing in.
"You are. I'm still your bestfriend. Always will be. I just happen to be lucky enough to be dating you as well."
She smiles at me and blushes.
It feels like we just started dating.
As if we're teenagers again and still have a crush on each other.
I guess we just have that affect on each other... Or she has it on me.
As soon as she's laying down, she yawns and rolls over so her back is facing me.
I turn the lamp off and wrap my arm around her waist pulling her as close to me as we can get.
I bury my face in her sweet smelling hair.
I feel her turn so she is now facing me. She snuggles up against my chest and I can tell she's cold. I wrap my arms around her.
"Goodnight baby, I love you." she says sleepily.
I kiss her hair and smile.
"Goodnight Sweetie, I love yo more."
"I love you most." she yawns.
I giggle at her reply.
I hear her breathing slow and I know she's drifted off to sleep.
I wish we could stay like this forever.
I wish I could hold her and stay with her.
I wish tomorrow didn't have to come so soon.
But it does. And come tomorrow, things won't be as perfect as they are now.


Awwwe. So cute. Anyways things are going good. Yay! But why does Michael says it won't last?? What's gonna happen tomorrow? "Find out soon on Dragon Ball Z!" haha my brothers used to watch that all the time. Sorry but forreal find out soon Moonwalkies. Hope you all had a good day ~L.M.F.M <3


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