Chapter 3.

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"Michael. Michael. Michaellllll"
I opened my eyes to see my mother sitting next to me shaking me awake.
"What is it?" I said groggly, sitting up.
"Get up. I've packed your stuff, your plane leaves to New York soon. I made it an early flight so you have time to get settled in at the hotel before seeing Caitlyn." she whispered.
I glanced at the clock.
"It's too early. It's 5 in the morning" I said laying back down.
"Well fine then. We'll wait for your brothers and sisters to wake up and we'll all head to the airport at the same time. Only to tell them you won't be on the same plane as them because your going to see Caitlyn even though 'you don't miss her'. Okay?" she said sarcstically and annoyed.
"Okay, I do miss her. I'll get up and dressed"
It's not that I don't want them to know that I'll be visitng Caitlyn, but we're all supposed to be heading back to Hayvenhurst together. I don't want to dissapoint them letting them know I won't be with them for the first couple of days. I also didn't want them to say they'd tag along. I had to see Caitlyn, but I had to be alone.


I looked over at the clock, it read "5:23 AM". I rubbed my eyes and reached over to turn the lamp on. I heard a noise come from the kitchen again. My heart was beating rapidly. I walked over to the door and slowly opened it, peeking out. Nobody. I walked toward the kitchen and flick the light on. I jumped, but settled down as I recognized who it was.
"A.J, you gave me a heart attack! What are you doing here?"
"Hi babe, well I couldn't sleep. I was lonely so I came over to sleep here and used my extra key. I didn't mean to scare you" he laughed.
"It's..okay" I said as he kissed me. He picked me and walked towards my room and lay me on the bed. Before he could do anything else I stopped him
"Wait A.J.."
"What?" he sighed
"I-I'm not ready. Not yet." I said sitting up.
"Oh c'mon. Really? he was very annoyed with me. I always turned him down.
"are you still thinking about Michael?" he said a little angrily
"What? Oh gosh A.J no!" I lied. "it's not the right, moment okay?" I said and patted the bed next to me. He looked me very angrily.
"I know you are thinking about him! I'm done, I can't take this anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm leaving. L-E-A-V-I-N-G" he says very slowly as if I were a child.
"What? A.J, I don't want to be alone. I-I love you" I hesitated to say that because ot wasn't true but I desperatly needed someone to talk to and hold. "And you love me too! That's why you came, because you love me, right?"
"Uh-wrong. I don't love you. I just want sex. That's ALL I want from you, it's all i'll EVER want from.." He stops and looks at me up and down " I mean seriously, look at you. Your fat and ugly. Your worthless." his words stung.
"Fat? Ugly? Worthless?" as I said that his phone, that was beside me, rang. I flipped open the phone and a feminine voice quickly asked
"Baby? It's Ashley. Are you coming over tonight? I could really use your company." I looked up at him. He was cheating. I slammed the phone closed.
"It was Ashley." I threw the phone hopeing to hit his face but I missed. "Why? Why?" I cried.
"I was just going off with her, since you won't have sex with me. She told me to leave you, I should have listened." he looked at me with no emotion. He didn't care. At all.
"Fuck you!" I ran to him and hit him as many times as I could, as hard as I could until he pushed me down and kicked my side. I looked up at him and managed to say
"We're done. Don't you ever dare to come back here! Leave!".
He stared at me, anger filling his eyes but he didn't say another word. He just walked out.
I went to my bed and cried into my pillow. I remembered the last time he hurt me. I had explained to him that I missed Michael so much and the words "I love him" slipped out. He threw a tantrum at the fact that I said I loved another man. He hit me really hard. I was afraid he would hurt me so I we didn't break up. I didn't love him. I know now he didn't love me, it was lust. Maybe I stayed with him because I no longer wished to be lonely. I never told anybody about when he hit me except Marie, my bestfriend. After that I never mentioned Michael. But man I miss him. I really do love him.
-after talking to Marie on the phone-
As I hung up I looked at the clock. It was 12:30.
I'd been on the phone with her since A.J left telling her everything. She felt so bad for me. I could hear it.
"Caitie, look. I think you should get your mind off of this. I'll pick you up around 4 and we'll go out. I'm not taking a no. So be ready!" She hung up.
I guess it would help.

Next chapters will be better! Give my story a chance :'P. I'm just setting up the story line so you know. But the next chapter should be better! L.M.F.M <3


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