Chapter 34.

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°November 15, 1987.°

I stare in front of me in awe.
It was beautiful. Breathtaking.
The gold letters spelling out NEVERLAND.
Atop that a crown with golden shields, and other golden items I can't really make out. Under all that is 'Michael Jackson' in bold black letters standing out from the gold.
All the gold glistening from the shining headlights of the car.
The gates are grand. That's all I can say.
Before I can deeply admire the entire artistry of the gate- and what I would call hinges, with the golden lion and carousel horse- Michael takes hold of my hand and helps be back into the car.
"Michael! I wasn't done looking at it!"
He chuckled lowly before answering.
"You were staring for a good ten minutes sweetie."
He signals something to the driver and I watch as the gates open and we slowly head through them.
The driver comes to a stop in front of the house.
Quickly, I rush out of the car to see a beautiful house, well MANSION, in front of me.
The lights outside of the house make it a little easier to see, since it's already dark out.
"Michael this house. It's breathtaking. It's beautiful. It's-It's-"
"It's ours."
I turn to Michael utterly confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Welcome to the Neverland Ranch. Welcome home."
I smile widely earning one from him in return.
"Michael really?"
"Yes really. I've had them working on it for a while. I wanted to buy it at a later time but they were going to sell it to someone else, so I bought it."
I can't say anything, I can only nod. This place is just so welcoming. It already feels like home.
"Well lets head inside."
Michael fumbles with the knob and leads me inside, instantly being swallowed by darkness.
"Michael? Why is it so dark in here?"
"Umm, I don't know Cait."
I grip his hand tightly as he walks.
As soon as we step into what I now know is the living room the lights flicker on and everyone jumps up and yells.
I smile widely at everybody before me as they walk over to us to greet us.
"Michael, what's this all about?"
"Honestly, I have no idea Cait. I didn't know these people knew about Neverland...."
I turned to him confused.
"If you didn't do this, or tell them about Neverland then-"
"I did!" I hear behind me.
"Jan!" I squeal turning around and bring her in for a hug.
"You did this Dunk?" Michael asks.
She smiles and nods contently.
"Yup! Congrats big bro!"
I furrow my eyebrows together and look up at Michael who is eyeing Janet.
"Congrats on what?"
Before he can answer I'm pulled away from his side and being picked up.
"Kit Kat!"
"Randy Man!"
He puts me down and smiles as he leads me over to the rest of the Katherine and Joesph. I greet them happily.
He then takes me over to Jermaine as I greet him as well.
"Jermaine you show Kit Kat around, okay?" Randy says to Jermaine.
"Wait, Randy Man, where you going?"
"Gonna go do my thang!"
I giggle then raise one eyebrow.
"What exactly is your 'thang'?"
"Getting the ladies! Duh! Geesh Kit Kat I'd think you'd know that by now."
He says smiling and running off.
I laugh and turn to Jermaine.
"Well, you heard him Bugs. Show me around."
Jermaine laughs as he takes me around to the rest of the Jacksons and then introduces me to new people.
He also shows me around the house a little, except what I'm guessing is the the private part of the house.
Michael's room, the door next to it, and the door at the end of that hall.
I'll have to ask Michael what's in them.
He leads me around and I can't help but think that it should be Michael showing me around, not Jermaine.
Not that I don't like Jermaine, but it is Michael's house.
I shrug it off as we head back to the living and take a seat with the rest of the Jackson family to talk.
Every now and then my eyes wander around the room searching for Michael.
He's always in a new location with new people.
I smile seeing as he seems happy.
We make eye contact from across the room and he smiles and winks at.
I smile back and get back to my conversation.
The only thing that bothers me is everytime I see him, no matter where he's moved to, who he's talking to at the moment, I see the same girl at his side. Like she's following him around.
It makes me jealous to look up and see her laughing or dramatically hugging him and sometimes even 'accidently' brushing up on him.
She made eye contact with me a couple times and smirked.
I had to admit, she was gorgeous. If she liked Michael, I knew she could have him.
The thought of that worried me.


Yo! Whos this mystery girlll!? Anyways I was reviewing my other chapters and it's confusing when it comes to her job. I promise that'll be addressed soon. Also I know it's hard to know when things are going on so I'm starting to add dates at the top so you aren't so lost. Good? Okay. Also, I know Michael didn't but Neverland at this time in real life... But for the sake of the story line and stuff I out it now. Haha let me know anything else that's confusing Moonwalkies. Hope you enjoyed. ~L.M.F.M <3


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