Chapter 8.

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I can't stand to see Cait crying or upset. Because of me. Because she thinks I don't love her.
Oh how wrong she is.
Tell her you love her too! That you feel the same way.
No! Actions speak louder than words.
I lean in and close my eyes. I kiss her soft lips sweetly. The feeling that shoots through my body is beyond words. It's indescribable. It leaves me speechless.
I pull back a little and whisper
"I love you too"
Then kiss her again, only this time more passionate.
There's nothing that can ruin this moment. Nothing. But just then, the floor swings open.
We quickly pull away and I turn my attention to the door.
There I see him. Still in uniform. It's the waiter from dinner tonight.
Why is he here? Did he follow us? What does he want?
I keep trying to think of an explanation as to why he's here but I can't make anything of it. I look at Cait and she's frozen, staring at him. She must know him, but how? And from where?


I can't believe it. I can't believe what I'm seeing at the door, or more like who. I look at Michael and I can tell he has no clue as to why this man is here.
Explain later. Find out why he's here. now!
"A.J!" I basically yell his name
"Um, What are you doing here?" I question and add "and why?"
He looks at me and takes a couple step closer to me, walking into my apartment.
"My love, I-I came because I can't get you out of my head. You haven't called me. Why are you out with him?" he asks gesturing to Michael.
"Don't call me you 'love'. And why does it matter that I'm out with Michael?"
He walks closer to me and pulls my arm, taking me away from Michael and says
"Because your mine."
When Michael hears this, he steps in
"Woah! Yours? Nuh-uh pal. You got it all wrong. She's not 'yours'"
His eyes move from me to Michael as he lets go of me
"Why the hell are you with her?" he yells.
"Why the hell does it matter?"
Michael spits bacm as he gently pulls me towards him and puts his arm over my shoulder.
A.J roughly pulled me back towards him and looked into my eyes.
He grabbed my arms and pulled me in and kisses me.
"What's wrong with you! Get the hell out! I hate you. We aren't together! Leave me alone" I yell at him while hitting his chest, his face and his stomach as hard as I could. He soon grew angry and tired from trying to hold me back.
"You know what Caitlyn? You'll regret this. I'll be back for you. I'm not done with you, okay?" A.J yells in my face before stomping off and slamming the door behind him.
What's he talking about? Why is he so mad? We're over. We aren't a thing. We aren't together. I told him that. So what the hell. He knew that. Why come now. He didn't speak up when he was taking our orders at the restaurant why now?
Oh no, Michael!
I turn around quickly realizing Michael just saw A.J kiss me. Right in front of him. Michael's looking down at the floor.
"Michael I-" I tried to explain but he cut me off
"Save it. I don't need you to explain why you kissed him. If you didn't really love me you could have said so, you didn't have to pretend. Now that I think of it, your just like them.. You don't love me, you love the fact that I'm famous and rich. I've got to go Caitlyn bye."
He opens the door but before he walks out I stop him
"Michael! Wait! It's not like that! Please, hear me out. Don't leave me alone"
He didn't even look up at me as he said
"Call 'A.J'. I'm sure he'd hear you out. And keep you company." with that he walked out and closed the door. Leaving me standing all alone. Wondering if I ever gonna see him again.


Oh no! Michael left! What is she going to do!? Will he believe her? She has to get Michael to listen to her! That's probably gonna be tough. But anyways like, comment and share pleasee. And sorry about any spelling mistakes, I suck at spelling. Anyways I have writer block so let me sit and think of how I'm going to write Chapter 9! -L.M.F.M <3


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