Chapter 18.

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We finally reach Hayvenhurst and I can't wait to see my family again. I missed them, even though it wasn't that long ago that I've last seen them.
I help Cait out of the limo and ask the driver to take our stuff.
I knock softly on the front door.
The door opens and I see as a smile appears on my mother's face when she sees us.
She pulls me into a hug and says
"Michael! I missed you baby."
"I missed you too."
She steps away then kisses both of my cheeks examining my face.
"Mother." I complain
"Caitlyn's here too".
"Hush, child I know. I just missed you."
I hear Cait giggling as my mother turns to her. Cait extends her hand for my mother to shake
"It's nice to finally see you again after so long Mrs.Jackson."
My mother looks at her hand and smiles without shaking it.
"What happened to calling my Mama?" my mother questions Cait and laughs pulling her into a hug.
"I missed you so, my little Care Bear."
I giggle at the nickname my mother had given Cait as a child.
"I missed you too Mama. All of you." Cait responds.
When they pull away I see tears have filled Cait's eyes but she is still smiling.
My mother leads us into the living room where LaToya and Janet are sitting.
I clear my throat to get their attention and they squeal as they look up and run to hug me.
"We missed you." they say at the same time and giggle.
"I missed you as well." I say returning the hugs.
"Um, You remember Caitlyn, right?" I ask stepping back so they could see Cait and their eyes widen.
"Oh my gosh! As in my bestfriend Caitlyn!" Janet yells running over to Cait and hugging her as Cait hugs back.
"Hey! She's my bestfriend too!" LaToya complains as she runs to hug Cait as well.
I turn to my mother who is watching them and smiling.
"Girls." I say under my breath.
"Oh girl c'mon we got a lot of catching up to do!" LaToya says as her and Janet pull Cait up the stairs.
Cait looks back at me smiling and I nod in approval as they run up the stairs.
"The boys went out. They'll be back in time for dinner."
"Oh, okay mother."
"Speaking of which, lets go to the kitchen so you can tell me what happened with Caitlyn in New York." my mother says winking
"Really?" I ask as we walk to the kitchen.
I love my mother and I'm thankfull I have her.
I shake my head and laugh as she continues to ask me questions about what happened in New York.


I love Hayvenhurst. It's so pretty. Anyways Writer Block thats why its so short! But I hope you enjoy this boring chapter Moonwalkies. Have a good night ~L.M.F.M <3


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