Chapter 26.

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~Next Day~
I wake up with an Ice-Pack on my forehead.
Looking around I see I'm back at home.
Thank God.
Marie walks in and smiles at me, sitting at the edge of my bed.
"Hey! How you doing? How's your head?"
"Um, it hurts a little but I'm fine."
"The pain should be gone soon, just take 2 pills from that bottle on your bed side table. They should make the pain go away faster."
"Okay. But um-what happened?"
"Caitie, you fainted. You did wake up, briefly. I tried taking you to the hospital but you kept telling me to bring you here, not a hospital, then you fainted again."
"Yeah. How's the wrists?"
"Wrap this around your wrists and keep them there for a while. It's a home remedy, should work in less than 2 hours."
"Thanks Marie your the best."
"I know." she says as she gets up and makes her way to the door. Before she leaves she turns to me and frowns.
"Michael still cares about you Caitlyn. He really does."
She heads out the door leaving me alone with my thoughts.
Michael still cares. Michael still cares about you. He really does. Michael still- MICHAEL!
I quickly reach for the phone and dial the number. After a couple minutes a familiar voice answers.
"Randy? Randy it's Caitlyn!"
"Caitlyn! Oh my, how are you? We haven't heard from you in years?! I miss you. Wait- um are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I miss you to Randy, where's Michael? Is he okay?"
Silence follows my question and I grow worried.
"Mike? He's fine. A couple cuts and bruises nothing serious."
"Can I- um, go and see him? Please?"
"Of course! I'll pick you up. Be ready!"
"Thank you so much Randy Man!"
"No problem Kit Kat! See you soon."
As soon as he hangs up I run to the bathroom. I quickly shower and brush my teeth. Not wanting to waste much time I grab the first set of clothes I find. A solid black tee and light colored jeans. I go back into the bathroom and pull my still natural wavy hair into a loose ponytail and a few pieces hang out, framing my face a bit.
I hear a knock on the door and peek through the hole and see it's Randy.
Wow. That was fast.
I pull on my grey sweater and zip it up. I slip on my socks then my black converse. I open the door and lunge myself at Randy, giving him a tight hug.
"Woah there Kik Kat, calm down" he giggles and hugs back.
"Oh Randy, I've missed you. I've missed all of you!" I say.
"Well lets get going!"

~At Hayvenhurst~

I've been at Hayvnhurst for about an hour now and I've greeted, talked with, joked with, and snackwd with everyone, except Michael.
I walk towards Randy and whisper
"Excuse me? Randy? I was wondering if-"
"He's in his room. Go ahead, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."
It's like he read my mind. He smiles at me as I excuse myseld from the living room and walk up the stairs to Michael's room.
Once I reach his door I hesitate to knock.
Does he want to see you? Will he talk? Accept my apology?
Without thinking about it again I knock on the door. I hear as someone gets out of the bed and shuffles towards the door opening it.
His head is down and his eyes closed. He moves from the door and extends his arm inviting me in. I walk into his room and stand in the middle. He sighs before starting
"Mother I already said I'm not hungry. I-"
He looks up and I can tell he's been crying.
I see some of the scratches and bruises on his still beautiful face.
"Caitlyn?" he asks confused, tears streaming down his face.
Without thinking my hands reach up and cup his face. I wipe his tears away.
"Michael, I'm so so sorry." I choke out.
Realising my hands are still on his face I let them drop.
"I just didn't want you getting hurt. Are you okay?"
"Yes I'm fine. Thank you. For everything."
He walks over to his bed and sits at the edge sighing. Watching as he sits in thought I sigh.
"I wish you still cared. I wish you always did." I mumble
"What did you say?" he asks sternly getting up.
"Huh?" I question backing up as he gets closer until my back reaches the wall and he's standing right in front of me.
"You think I stopped caring? You think I never did?" he asks with pain, confusion and anger in his voice.
I roll my eyes at him.
"Don't start with that bullshit Michael. Rosanna told me everything. You don't have to lie anymore! I knew I was right!"
"What are you talking about? Who's Rosanna?"
I roll my eyes again.
"The girl who takes your calls at your office when the other main lady isn't there."
"Oh Rosanna. What did she tell you? I'm still confused?"
"A little while after you left for the Victory Tour Rosanna came to me and told me Michael. She told me to leave. You had called and said you've made up your mind. I was right! You said you had been thinking about for a,while and I was a distraction. That I would be a distraction. That you need to be focused. On music and music only. She advised me it'd be best if I wasn't at Hayvenhurst when yoy got back. Honestly, I'm not sure why but trusting her, I packed up and left without telling anybody. That's why I live with Marie. I changed my number and everything, knowing Randy or Janet or any of the Jackson's would contact me and try to explain, but I didn't want to be hurt anymore. But you know what hurt most? Is that I feared moving here, to Hayvenhurst, here to California was a bad idea, because I would be a distraction and you would soon realize that! And when you did you would leave me! But you told me that wouldn't happned, you PROMISED! And that's exactly what happened!" I was now yelling and crying and hitting Michael's chest with my fist.
I calmed myself as he gently held my wrists and slid down to sit on the floor.
He said nothing.


It goes into the next chapter, it like ties in. I was tired when I wrote this last night & didnt edit it much. Tell ne what you think. Heard Michael on the radio today I was so happy. I was singing along so loudly. ~L.M.F.M <3


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