Chapter 49.

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•Febuary 8th, 1989•

"Michael?" I whispered
"Yes Cait?" I smiled
"I'm scared....well more like worried."
"Worried about what?"
"What if- what if things don't go as planned? What if the wedding isn't grand? What if nobody shows up? What if you're family doesn't approve of-"
She was over thinning this, like always."
"Caitlyn hush. You're worrying too much. Calm down. Everything will be fine. I promise you. And anyways, we don't have to plan the wedding just yet, okay? We can wait a little while. Have some time to think about everything. We aren't in a rush and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. We'll be alright."
Caitlyn seemed to calm down a bit. I wanted to make sure she was happy, and if that meant holding off any wedding planning, then thats what I was going to do. I slowly caressed Caitlyn's cheek until I felt her breathing slow down, indicating she was calm, and probably about to fall asleep. Only then did I allow myself to close my eyes and drift away.


Laying on Michael's bare chest I thought about our future, everything that is to come. I thought about how many children we could have, how our lives would change for the better, how much Michael and I love each other.
I thought about every blessing god would bring to us.
Laying on Michael I felt at peace. He caressed my cheek with his thumb allowing me to calm down. When I realized he was asleep I closed my eyes, and pictured our future lives. Soon falling asleep.
Suddenly I found myself hauling to the bathroom and over the toilet throwing up what felt like every piece of food i've ever eaten.
I closed my eyes and hoped it was over. But I was wrong, i kept going.
Soon I felt someone pulling my hair back and rubbing my back.
"It's okay baby, let it out." Michael calmly told me.
"Ew Michael, get out, I don't want you to see me like this."
He giggled before responding with "it's not a big deal."
He helped me to my feet and over to the sink. I kindly asked him to leave so I could wash my mouth thinking he would be way to disgusted to see it, and he didn't refuse.
Once I finished I headed back over to the bed and layed down, closing my eyes trying to figure out what had caused my sudden nausea.
"I'm taking you to the doctor tomorrow morning." Michael suddenly said.
I sighed and rolled my eyes
"For what? It was just a little nausea, that's all. I'm fine okay?"
He stayed quiet for a couple moments.
"Fine, but if it happens again, you're going. No questions asked."
I agreed and cuddled close to him only wanting to feel his warmth.
I tried sleeping but my mind kept racing. I thought about the last time me and Michael had made love, before tonight. It was sometime during the tour but I'm not sure when. I didn't want to admit it, but I think I knew what was wrong, and I think Michael did too.


Hey Moonwalkies! I think we can all figure out what's going on! Don't have too much to say except I hope you all have had a good day and I hope you enjoyed this! ~L.M.F.M <3

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