Chapter 86.

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•July 15,1989•

When I pushed open the door, I was greeted by a lovely group of people.

Marie and Kingston ran to me pulling me into a hug as I stood there shocked.

Everything was decorated in soft pink and a sky blue.

Everyone smiled at me, congratulating me. They were all dressed very beautifuly, yet casually and they all seemed happy.

Elizabeth walked up to me with a pink cup in her hand.

"I hope it's a girl." She winked causing me to giggle.

Then my eyes spotted Janet and Shawn walking towards me smiling brightly.

"Jan, did- did you..."

"Yes, I planned this! Isn't it beautiful? It's a gender reveal and baby shower all in one!"
She squealed excitedly.

All I could do was nod.

She then disappeared into the crowd. I searched around looking for the rest of the Jackson's but I couldn't find them. I saw my father though. But the one man I was looking for was no where to be found.


Soon everyone started walking outside and I simply watched them, hoping I would spot Michael on his way out.

I felt Marie take hold of my hand and start to lead me behind the crowd going outside.

Once outside, the lights were bright all around me, everyone took their seats as I watched maids walk around me and start placing food on tables and bringing out the cupcakes and candy, drinks and what not.

My eyes followed the pavement and finally my eyes met Michael. He looked great.

He stood there smiling, as his brothers and sister where on either side of him. I also saw Mama K and Joseph to his side.

I looked around smiling and waving to everyone who were still smiling at me.

I kept my hand intertwined with Marie's still overwhelmed.

This is not what I was expecting at all.

I stared at Michael, not being able to take my eyes off him.

He was dressed in a tuxedo, which, surprisingly, did not have rhinestones or sparkles or looked like a military jacket or anything. It was a simple tux.

He looked so handsome, to say the least.

His hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, although I couldn't tell if it was half up or what from this angle but it still looked good.

He had a few curls in front of his face, falling perfectly and effortlessly.

One of his hands was deep in his pocket and I soon realized he had been staring at my attire as well.

We locked eyes and he started on the path, making his way towards me, still keeping his eyes on mine.

I blushed more then ever as I heard soft music begin to play, the lights dim, and I saw the Jackson's take their seats.

Marie let go of my hand and joined Kingston, leaving me there by myself as Michael got closer and closer making more nervous then ever.


Michael's beautiful self 😍😍😍😍😍

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Michael's beautiful self 😍😍😍😍😍

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