Chapter 70.

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•March 7,1989•

"Caitlyn? Honey, wake up." I hear Michael whisper.

"No Michael, 5 more minutes please?" I whine.

He just giggles at me.

"Caitlyn the appointment was at 1 in the afternoon, I'm sure it didn't take long and Janet told me she'd be back later, meaning you were home at around 2. You can't sleep all day today baby. It's about to be 4."

"Please lay with me." I whine.

"Caitlyn..." He begins.

"Baby, please? I know you're tired and my back really hurts right now. Please for a couple minutes?" I ask looking up at him.

He finally agrees then scoops me up and runs with me up the stairs and into the bed room laying me down gently.

He climbed into bed with me and held me close allowing me to indulge in his sweet scent.

I figured the fatigue was just from the baby. I started showing early so I'm probably starting second trimester symptoms early as well.

Of course Michael and I fell asleep for a while and when I woke up Michael was just coming out of the shower.

"Caitlyn, there's a couple friends coming over for dinner. They'll be here at around 8. Okay?"

"Okay, I'll get up and dressed."

Michael beings to get his clothes ready as I take a nice steamy shower, washing my hair as well.

Leaving the bathroom with just a towel around my hair and body, I noticed Michael wasn't in the room.

Perfect. I've decided I would allow Michael to see that I'm showing.

I don't have maternity clothing yet so I don't have too many options. I don't want anything too tight but I don't want anything too baggy either.

Finally after rumaging for what seemed like forever I decide on wearing a plain, white tank top, with a thicker strap. It is still just a little chilly out so I pair that with a long gray cardigan.

I pull on some loose light wash stretchy jeans that are a little distressed (not overly distressed, not holes but actually still has the white linings so it covers skin).

And I finish off the outfit by slipping on some white sandals with gold accents.

I walk into the bathroom, blow dry my hair and style it so that it's in big loose curls, brushing my collar bone.

I put on the matching diamond jewelry set Michael bought me, which consists of, some stud earrings,  a bracelet and a necklace.

I then complete my look with light makeup. The colors are very soft pink colors on my eyes, with a beautifully winged eye. And I added a pop of a light shade of matte pink to my lips.

Looking in the mirror I feel satisfied with my look. I haven't dressed up for Michael in a while so hopefully he likes it.

I know Michael loves kids, and I know he's always wanted children and all. But will he still love me like before when I look like this, or get bigger.

Don't get me wrong women are beautiful when pregnant, but not all men think so.

And what if the most important man in my life doesn't want to love me like before, doesn't want to touch me, or kiss me, or hold me. What will I do then?

I hold my small protruding stomach and whisper sweet and loving words to my baby.

"No matter what, I'll always love you."

Just then the door swings open, and I expect to see Michael but instead I see Janet.

"Hey girl we- are you crying?"

She asks seeing the water filling my eyes, but not falling.

I explain my feelings and she assures me that Michael is not like that. That he'd love me forever, through everything. That it was silly of me to even think otherwise. And although her words did make me feel much better, I still wanted to talk to Michael about it.

"Well it's a good thing you didn't cry because I know Michael spent a lot of money on everything you own including the makeup, we wouldn't want that ruin now would we?"

We laugh and I bring her in for a hug, thanking her.

"Well lets go sweetie pie everyone's down stairs waiting for us. Oh, and you look so cute. Michael will love it."

She assures me then plants a kiss on my forehead and I feel like she really is like a sister and even though I'm older, right at that moment I felt like her younger sister.

We walk down the stairs hand in hand, and walk into the dining room.

I keep my eyes down, not wanting to see Michael's reaction immediately, in case it wasn't so good.

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