Chapter 64.

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•Febuary 21, 1989•

"Michael? Sir?"

I wake up to Nathan's voice calling my and his heavy hand nudging my shoulder.

"Mhm" I hum.

"Um... The doctors say Caitlyn is stable. But they are still running tests. The baby is fine. But you can't go in yet."

I stare him, hoping he'll crack a smile and say "just kidding she's waiting for you."

But no that's not what I get. What I get is:

"They aren't allowing anybody in. So Bill asked me to come wake you, so we can head back to Neverland and you can eat, shower, get changed, whatever you need to do. Until the doctors call and say it's alright to see Caitlyn."

I lower my head and nod.

My eyes are burning, I'm tired, my back hurts, I can't stop thinking about Caitlyn, my throat hurts from straining it.

It's also probably from crying all night.

We head to Neverland and as soon I get in I brush my teeth, feeling much better.

It feels good to be back home, but it feels wrong with Caitlyn in the hospital.

Walking back into the bedroom, I sit on the bed, debating whethere or not to go to sleep.

Finally deciding to sleep before I shower, I pull the covers over me, only to feel cold and empty inside.

Without Caitlyn sleeping here next to me, this bed just doesn't feel right. I get up and move into the nearest guest room, allowing myself to sleep there


After a couple hours I wake up checking the clock, only to see it's only a little past noon.

We left the hospital really early.

I step into the shower letting the hot water tickle my back and shoulders, allowing my tense muscles to relax.

I allow the water to flow through my curls, calming me.

Once my tense muscles relaxed a little more, I started my regular shower routine taking longer than normal, not wanting to leave the warmth of the shower.


I finished getting dressed in a plain white shirt and black pants, I had on mix match socks that were green and pink because I couldn't find the pairs, I left my loafers in the room and pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail.

I walk into the library, hoping to get my mind off of things.

For hours I sit around reading books, writing some stuff down that pops into my head and practicing some dance moves, I even took a quick nap.

But all I could think about was Caitlyn.

I hoped and prayed that she would be better soon. This isn't good for the baby and I know it.

She needs a way to relieve all this stress, and to get her mind off the negativity and leave all the bad vibes behind, even if just for a couple of hours.

The question was, how was I going to do that for her?

I searched and searched through my mind for the perfect idea but I just couldn't find anything as perfect as was Caitlyn deserves.

So, I decided to go where I always go.

The Giving Tree.

I grab my loafers and head over to my favorite tree.

I climb it's branches until I find the one that seems sturdy and high enough for me to be away from it all, but also safe from falling.

I rest my head against the tree closing my eyes letting myself drift away into a different place, a world of wonder.

It was the childhood I never had.

Then I realized. I was at Neverland, but it seemed much more alive and colorful, childlike and happy, it just seemed more like what I always imagined Neverland to be. And when I looked into the distance, I saw the root of that happiness.

Why did the whole place seem to glow?

The answer was standing right infront of me reaching it's hand out for me.

Or should I say her, hand.

It was Caitlyn. Caitlyn was the reason, not only Neverland, but my whole world, lit up.

She was the reason for my happiness.

For all of it. And I was lucky to have her in my life. Actually, I was blessed to have her a part of my life, in any way.

It was now that I felt the pressure to do something perfect for her. She deserved it.

Suddenly and idea popped into my head, my eyes swung open and my body moved on it's own, climbing carefully yet quickly down the tree, into the house and towards the nearset phone.

I dialed the numbers quickly, tapping the wall, hoping for an answer.

And I finally got it.


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