Chapter 60.

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I snap out of my thoughts feeling the room grow awkwardly silent and the tension start to build up.

This just got so awkward so quick.

Everyone looks between Caitlyn and I, and the person who just walked in.

"Is everything alright here? Who are you?"

Marie questions obviously aggravated that the person walked in while she was spending time with her best friend.

When they don't respond she crosses her arms.

"Hello? Can you hear? I asked if everything was alright here?"

Again no answer, the person just stood there, rather calmly, staring at Caitlyn.

"Okay that's it! Who the fu-"

Before she could finish Jackie cut her off by placing his hand over her mouth.

She keeps mumbling on, causing him to put his other hand over the other.

Even then, she keeps mumbling, throwing her hands in the air and rolling her eyes.

"You do know nobody can hear you right?" Jackie laughs.

She just rolls her eyes.

"Well, um I guess we'll be going then." Marlon speaks up.

"Yeah, it was nice seeing you though." Randy says.

"Hopefully we'll see you both when you get out?" Jermaine asks, Cait just nods in response her mouth still agape staring at the person.

"Um, well.... We're off then. We'll see you guys later. We love you both." Rebbie finished.

"I'll call later." Janet says and La Toya agrees.

"Okay guys. Thank you, I- we love you as well." I say as Cait just nods.

Soon everyone left leaving us and the person.

What I would like to know is how they know each other.

I mean, I'm assuming they know each other by Caitlyn's reaction.

"Baby?" I whisper causing her to relax, kind-of.

I'm still utterly confused.


I simply can't move my eyes from his stare. Even if I did I wouldn't know what to do.

Or even what to say.

After everyone left the room was still quite awkward.

I bet Michael is so confused as to who this- this man standing in front of me is.

He's been out of my life for as long as I can remember.

I don't know whether I should hate him or if I should love him. Both?

Am I supposed to act like nothing ever happened?

Am I supposed to question his actions? Or just leave it be? Or maybe ask for an apology?

My mind races with questions.

Questions of what to do now and questions of the past that I have always thought of asking him.

Questions to things I never understood. And nobody was able to explain.

Questions only he had the answer to.

Questions that all had to do with him...and of course his actions.

This... This isn't how we were supposed to meet again. If we ever met again at all.

I just don't know what to do.

I realize I've been staring too long.



We spoke at the same time, catching each other off gaurd.

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