Chapter 29.

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My heart drops into my stomach and a lump forms in my throat at her words
"He- he's um.. he's the..." I can't even get the words out of my mouth.
I try to shake my head and try to convince myself that she's lying.
I bet she doesn't even know him. I bet he doesnt even know her actually.
Almost as if perfect timing Michael jogs down the stairs and into the living room, not looking up from his shirt which he is buttoning up.
Still without looking up he puts an arm around me.
"Hey baby, what's up?" he asks kissing my cheek.
Finally looking up his eyes widen at the sight of Breanna.
He takes a step closer to her.
"Breanna? What are you doing here?"
So he does know her. Great.
I feel tears fill my eyes and try to hold them back.
Breanna doesn't respond so Michael looks at me. He obviously notices my lost gaze and teary eyes. Putting his arm back around me asks,
"Baby? Are you okay? What's wrong?"
Rage, anger, hurt, confusion and many more emotions I can't express take over me.
"Don't come near me. Don't touch me. Get away! And don't call me baby Michael!" I yell tears flowing down my cheeks as I run up the stairs.


Caitlyn runs up the stairs, crying.
What'd I do?
"Caitlyn! Cait! Cait, come back here! Wait!" I call after her and start up the stairs but I hear the door slam.
I turn back around to see a smirking Breanna.
She must have something to do with this.
"Breanna! What did you tell her!?" I scream.
I know she was the one who said something, she can't lie.
"I only told her the truth. You are the father of my unborn son Michael."
"What!? No.. Breanna I'm not and you know that. Just-just get out of my house. You got my girl mad and you got her crying, now leave."
I can't believe it. Now I have to explain to Caitlyn. Another freaking Billie Jean shows up. How great.
Things were going just fine with Cait. I have to fix this.
Breanna refuses to leave so I call Dave.
"Dave, please escort her out. Now!"
He does as he's told and begins to escort her out. Before she leaves she hands me a paper.
I look down and read it.
" Just in case... Call me."
Following that is a number.
I rip the paper to shreds and throw it on the ground.

I run up the stairs to the room and try to open the door but it won't budge.
"Cait! Unlock this door right now!"
I hear her sniffles get closer as her feet shuffle towards the door.
Wow. That was easier than I thought.
She opens the door and just as I'm about to talk her hand meets my face.
I can't believe it!
It's okay. Stay calm.
"Cait! You didn't have to slap me."
She trys to slam the door in my face but is unsuccesful as I put my foot there.
As I walk in I feel her small hands hitting me. Her eyes are closed and her hits landing on my face and chest. Tears run down her cheeks. I take hold of her wrist making sure I do so gently enough not to hurt her.
"Let go of me Michael! I don't want ot hear it! You got some Breanna chick pregnant! Don't you dare try to tell me you don't know who she is because you said her name before she introduced herself! Unbelievable! You are so unbelievable Michael!"
It hurts to know she thinks I actually got Breanna pregnant.
"Baby. Baby listen to me. I did NOT get her pregnant. The kid is not my son. You have to believe me."
She gives up fighting away from me and falls to her knees.
"I just don't understand Michael."
"Caitlyn, I told you, many people are going to say things about me, you just can't believe it. They'll say anything to ruin me. To ruin us. Please. Give me time, I'll prove it."
She let out a heartbroken laugh.
"Prove what? Huh? What is there to prove Michael?"
"That the baby is not mine."
She gets up and wipes her eyes. She walks over to the closet, grabs a bag and starts to throw some of her clothes in it along with a hairbrush. toothbrush and other basic needs.
What is she doing? Where is she going?


What IS she doing? Where IS she going? Anyways I used some wordplay in there (lyrics) see if you can spot them. It's pretty simple to spot. Anyways keep reading please! Hope you all had a good day Moonwalkies! ~L.M.F.M <3


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