Happy Birthday. ❤️

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My loves, this is long. So you don't have to read it. This is just me trying to express my thoughts.
To my role model, someone I will never forget. Someone I have always and will always love for all time. To the greatest.. everything, there ever was. To a Legend. To someone who understands me, and although we never met personally, to my bestfriend who also has my heart. To the King of Pop. To Michael Jackson.

August, 29.
Dear Michael,
So, I'm not really sure where to start other then Happy Birthday. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I miss you. Today is a bittersweet kind of day. Bitter because you aren't here with us to enjoy it. And sweet because it's your birthday and I know you are well with the one above. Days like today make me angry though. Because you know what all those people who, not too long ago, used to bash you, hate you, talk sh... crap about you, talk you down, make tabloids, make up lies, those who believed it so much they began to hate you as well, gave up on you, made fun of you, completely tried to destroy you, used you, hurt you, lied on and to you, threw dirt on your name, betrayed you, tried to make your life a living hell, and so much more? They are all going to sit there, screaming about all the "love" they "have" for you. They'll sit there in someones face smiling and faking pain that they never felt. Not feeling ashamed of what they did or said to or about you. They do no regret it . They'll sit there and say "Michael Happy Birthday, we miss you and love you." They're liers. They just want to go with what makes them look good. The media bashed you but now they wont let you rest. Even now there's so many rumors coming up about you, but watch today everyone will glorify you. They will talk about how grand you always were and how much you meant to them. All the while thinking of new rumors to spread. But thats now that you're gone...to them. It's sad to say that even some of your so called Moonwalkers did the same. Or they only like you before Vitiligo. After that they don't like you or your music because they thought you did it on purpose. Well that's BS. You're still that sweet innocent soul and person, Michael. It makes me sick to hear "I liked him better when he was black" or "I liked him before he wanted to be white." It's disgusting. They aren't your real fans Michael. All your real Moonwalkers love you for you and we've loved you through everything. We'd never turn our backs on you. We stand together protecting you. We'll always love you and miss you. They're will always be a spot in all of our hearts that is saved just for you. We are a family because that's what you wanted. For us to love one another and treat each other with love and for us to always believe in you and never leave your side. Michael, we'll never leave you. Ever. I know I won't. I've loved you always. It makes me sad to know that I never went to your concerts, or got an autograph or a picture, or met you, or talked to you, nor could I simply see you smile in person. Michael, I admire you so much. For everything you have done. In music you were the greatest. People could relate to your songs in more then one way. In a spiritual way. You made us cry, get angry, laugh and smile, get up and dance, confess our love, care for the earth and everyone on it, reach out to help anyone in need, change the world, take care of it for the children who will grow up on it when we leave, you've made our hearts sad but also made our hearts smile. All with just your music. You're a genius. There's no one better than you, and there never will be. I fell in love with your voice. Everything about it is perfect. Even the songs I hear from when you were just a young boy, you had meaning and soul. Michael you're the greatest entertainer there ever was and nobody will ever be able to change that. You brought different cultures together, different people, different languages, you brought people from different worlds together. You brought everyone together with your music. You are truly the King of Pop. Not only your vocals, but your dancing, and your song writing, and even those short films. But Michael not only that. Michael, I aslo fell in live with who you are as Michael Jackson. The soft spoken, sweet, shy, determined, beautiful, insightful, thoughtful and caring, loving and lovable, humanitarian that is Michael. You cared for everyone, you reached out to everyone. You let people, like me, who had no hope, know it was going to be alright. You are my role model. You make me want to be better everyday. You are the reason so many people got help when they needed it most. You opened up so many peoples eyes. So many people were oblivious to things that happened around them, heck, even things that were happening right in from of their faces. You changed all that. You made the greatest effort to honestly and truly Heal The World. You made so many people happy, especially those children you allowed at Neverland. They had the time of their lives there, I'm sure of it. They were so happy around you, and you with them because they did not judge you. You did so much for the human race. And it was not for fame, or money, or publicity, but because it was your calling. You did it because you wanted to and you loved doing it. I admire that Michael. You mean a lot to a lot of people, my love. You were so sweet. I've watched alot of videos Michael, and I hope you don't think I'm a creep or anything. But it's just that I can't get enough of how sweet and adorable you are. And I love to hear your soft voice and giggles and see that beautiful smile. I love to hear you speak because you have such an amazing voice. I love to see videos of you being happy, being you. You with children, your family, anybody. Anyone who was with you had a good time with you because they were so drawn into your beautiful aura, I believe. You were so strong for such a long time, basically your whole life. You did your best to simply keep your head up and stay positive through it all. And you want us to do the same. And thanks to some of my fellow Moonwalker I am now starting to do the same, to keep my head up, to stay positive and to see the bright side of things, and to remember that, you would want me to smile through the pain. You would want me to keep pushing to be happy. But I must admit, I don't think I can honestly say I have learned to completely cope with losing you. When you left me, or us, I cried so much for you Michael and I honestly still do. I couldn't and still can't believe the Lord decided to take you so soon. I guess he needed you, or he missed you more then we did. Or maybe he saw the pain you were in and felt his angel didn't deserve to feel that way. Michael, I can and also can't wait to see you when I go to where you are. I can wait because I don't really plan on leaving Earth right now, unless of course the good Lord says it's my time, but can't because I want to see you and speak to you so badly. About life, just about everything. Don't worry, I'm not a crazed fan who will scream in your face and claw at you and hurt you, I've seen, talked to, been with, hung out with, even had lunch with many celebrities. Of course you are different though. I would love to hug you. That's all, I promise, haha. Michael, I miss you more then you can imagine, and I love you just the same or even more. You are the best thing that ever happened to his world. And to me. Please know that I keep a place in my heart for you, and when you left you took a piece of my heart and soul with you and nobody will ever be able to fill it. It will always be an empty feeling, but I'd never want anyone to fill it other than you, so I guess you could say I'm okay with it and I've accepted it. I know you will never see this or read this or anything and although it makes me sad, I'm also okay with it because this letter wasn't great enough for you to read. My mind is all over the place at this point and I can't really get my feelings out. This letter is very long, I know, but even then I have alot to say to and about you that I cannot because I don't have the words to. You honestly leave me speechless. Maybe when I get to meet you God will help me with my words for you.
Always remember that you are the greatest of all time. Everything you did was amazing. And to top it all off you were beautiful. Your eyes, your curls, your smile, you skin (before and after Vitiligo). Everything about you was simply beautiful. You were beautiful inside and out. You were always perfect in my eyes. You are truly a legend. You are truly someone who can never and simply will NEVER be forgotten.
You are The King of Pop.
I hope you are finally getting the rest you so rightfully deserve. I hope you are always smiling and there is not a doubt about your happiness. Michael I hope you are getting the love you need and deserve and were sometimes deprived of whn you were here. I promise to never forget you or your message. I'll be missing you. Everyone will always miss you.
You are a legend.
Michael, once again, I miss you and I love you and you will always be in my heart and I hope one day when we meet, I'll be good enough for you to even call me your friend. I love you Michael. And I know you'd say I love you most, so, I love you more.
- Love, your friend,

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