Chapter 6.

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I pull myself away from Michael as the phone rings. I pick it up and before I can say anything I hear the person trying to speak
"Caitie? Caitie! I'm so sorry. I can't pick you up today. Les is real sick. Maybe tomorrow, okay? Forgive me?"
"It's fine. Tell Les I said I hope he feels better. Call me later okay MC?"
She laughs "I remember that nickname. I wanted to be a DJ so bad and for my name to be 'MC MARIE ' . But I gotta run. Love you." she hangs up. I look over to Michael and he questions me
"Who's MC?"
"My bestfriend Marie, it's just a nickname I gave her."
I notice he's replaced my old flowers with new ones and smile.
"So uh- I dunno. What do you wanna do? There's not much to do around here" I extend my arm 'showing off' my apartment
"Well, I actually came to ask if you'd like to go out." he smiles shyly then quickly adds "to dinner..."
"I-I- yeah I'd love to"
"Okay then. Right this way." he put out his arm opening the door for me. I grab my clutch and giggle as I walk out.
He leads me into the elevator. I'm looking up at him slightly and smiling.
He's so darn handsome. Look at his curls.
His curls are so cute.
"Thank you." he says laughing
"What?" I ask completly confused
"You just said 'his curls are so cute' so thank you." he calmly answers.
"Oh, I was-" I'm cut off by the sound of people screaming as the elevator doors open.
"Oh no"
"What? What is it? What's happening?" I asked scared.
He looks at me and smiles
"Relax. It's nothing serious. Just the fans and papparazzi."
"Oh. I forgot. You are THE Michael Jackson" I joke
He rolls his eyes. I prepare myself to walk through all those people waiting to catch a glimpse of Michael. Two men in suits open the doors and block them from getting to us- or at least to Michael. As I'm about to walk out I feel someone's hand slip into mine. I don't need to look to know who's it is. I know it's Michael's. He squeezes my hand as we're about to walk out assuring me it's going to be okay as we head towards his limo.
The whole way there I kept asking myself if I should tell Michael how I actually feel about him.
Tell him! He should know his bestfriend has had a crush on him since he was 12.
No don't tell him. He won't look at you the same. What if he doesn't feel the same? You'll ruin your friendship that's 'what'.
I sigh heavily and Michael notices. He turns to me
"Cait? What's wrong?", I can hear the worry in his voice
"I- uh- I'm just happy to see you that's all" I fake smile
"Hm, okay. Well anyways we're at the restaurant so brace yourself. The fans aren't bad part. I love them. It's paparazzi that makes it bad. Just smile and wave."he winks at me and grabs me hand.
The feeling I get when he touches me is something I can't explain, it's just...amazing.

I know I know so boring. It's Going places people ! Don't worry. ~L.M.F.M
Again guy I needed to add some stuff and change some stuff around.,not much. Sorry for any confusion

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