Chapter 38.

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°November 16, 1987.°

My heart plumets at the words coming out of his mouth.
He's leaving me?
I can't believe what I just heard.
"You.." I choke on my words before I can even say a whole sentence. Tears fall from my eyes dispite my fight to hold them back. Michael sees this and sighs.
"Michael. Your leaving me again? Why?" I whisper.
"I have to go on tour. I can't cancel it. Caitlyn I've pushed it back as much as I possibly can because I was afraid to tell you and hurt you, but baby I want you to know it's different this time. I won't leave you."
"How exactly is it different!? Your leaving. Leaving is leaving period. You are leaving!"
"No baby, you don't understand-"
I shift my body so I am not longer facing him and mumble.
"I never understand..."
Neither of us spoke a word on our way back to Neverland.
I didn't want to be mad, I was happy.. I know how much Michael loves his music and his fans and all of that, but I was scared. Scared to lose him again. I'm not sure if I'm really ready for that.
Once we reach Neverland I don't even wait for Michael to open my door for me.
I rush into the house and into the bedroom.
"Cait?" I hear Michael ask while walking into the room.
I quickly stand from the edge of the bed and he giggles and shakes his head.
Before he can tease me about what I just did, I speak.
"Congrats Mikey. I know you've worked hard and I'm sorry you had to push it back because of me. I don't want you to ever feel that way again. I don't want to hold you back, Michael. I don't want to be the on to drag you down. I want to help push you foward. Help you keep going. I want you to strive. I want you to be the best. I mean you already are-" I smile then continue "-but really baby. I'm really honestly very happy for you, so again, Congradulations babe."
He smiles and walks over to me.
"You mean that Cait?"
"Of course I do. I don't say it if I don't mean it." I wink casuing him to chuckle.
"Thank you Caitlyn. It really means alot to me."
"Your welcome-"
"But then why were you mad?" he asks curiously.
"I-I'm afraid to lose you. I don't want to lose you Michael. Not again." I say, my voice cracking at the end.
He held one of my hands in his and cupped my cheek with the other and stared into my eyes smiling.
I sniffle, avoiding eye contact.
"Michael, how is this funny? Why are you smiling?"
"Because, you never let me finish. You get so angry so quickly sometimes." he chuckles.
"I want you to go with me."
"Go with me. On tour."
A smile grows on my face seeing he is serious about this.
Tears of joy stream down my face and I can't stop smiling.
"So... What do you say?" Michael asks impatiently.
"Michael I'd love-" I stop and frown.
"I can't."
The smile he once wore dropped to the floor along with mine.
"Why not?"
"My job Michael. What if Mr.Kingsley doesn't approve. Then I'd either be fired or have to quit and this is what I want to do Michael, I'm even starting to design clothes! I'm now in charge of finances and desgining clothes!"
"Baby that's great! I'm proud of you. Really I am, but we can work this out. You can work from the computer. Baby I'll talk to Kingsley, please."
I sigh heavily.
"If we can work this out, then yes Michael. I'd love to go on tour with you."
His smile widens and his face relaxes.
He pecks my lips multiple times, thanking me in between each kiss.
I can't help but giggle.
"Okay okay Michael. I get it. But honestly, I don't want to burden you.."
"Burden me!? Never. Caitlyn you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you."
"I love you more." I reply kissing his lips tenderly.
"Well what do you say we go have lunch babe? I'm starving."
I laugh and hold his hand.
"I would love to baby." I smile.


Awwwe. DON'T PANIC THIS IS NOT THE ENDING. I JUST WANTED A REALLY HAPPY ENDING! Haha but yeah I just thought this should be a happy ending to the chapter since there is always some type of drama and negativity. Well hope you enjoyed it. Hope you have a good day Moonwalkies. ~L.M.F.M <3


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