Chapter 16.

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I push the door open and lock it behind me. I walk to the living room and slouch down onto the couch.
I look at the clock and it reads "2:34 P.M"
I usually don't get home this early but today I was asked to leave at around this time. I close my eyes, hoping I could fall asleep but just as I do the phone rings.
"Hello?" I ask picking up the phone
"Cait?" the person on the other line asks
I giggle before answering
"Yes Michael?"
"Um, just wanted to see how you were."
"I-I'm fine." I lie
I can't tell him what happend at work. Not right now.
"Cait, what's wrong?" Michael asks and I know that he knows I'm lieing to him.
I sigh before telling him.
"They were letting some people go at work today and-"
"Did they fire you?"
"No, Michael, thankfully I didn't get fired. But they did lower my pay."
"That's not so bad right?"
"I guess not..."
"Anyways I need to ask you something. Can we meet up tonight?"
"Michael can't you tell me over the phone?" I ask, shaking my head.
"No. I can't. Why can't I see you?"
"Um, see Marie works with me and she too is getting a lower pay and because of that she's moving in with me. So she can help me pay the bills... Meaning I have to help her pack and bring over her stuff and all of that. I'm sorry Michael."
I wait for a response but I don't get one.
"Huh? Oh, um yeah, no it's fine. I'll talk to you later." and with that he hangs up.
I say heavily.
I have to go to Marie's and help her get her stuff over here.

----------------Time Skip ----------------

"What are you going to eat? Hurry and tell me before I have to leave." Marie asks me looking into the fridge.
"I'm not hungry right now." I say
"You have to eat lunch Catie. I'm serious"
"I know but I'm just-"
"Oh my gosh! Caitie!" she cuts me off placing a hand on my cheek and tears filling her eyes.
"Marie, what's wrong?"
"It-It's still very visable. It hasn't gotten better."
I sigh heavily knowing what she's talking about: the bruise.
Les, her now EX boyfriend, who used to live with us, gave me a bruise on my cheek after he found out she was breaking up with him and he could no longer live with us. He also gave me a couple bruises on my arms.
"Marie.... It's not your fault, okay? I'm fine. And you are too. That's all that matters now." I coo and pull her into a tight hug as she cries.
We stand comforting each other for what seemed like forever before we hear a honking noise outside.
"That's my ride." she sniffles and pulls away smiling weakly.
"Be safe okay? Call me whenever you can, please."
She nods and goes into her room, grabs her suitcases and heads for the door.
"I love you MC. I'll miss you."
She turns around a smiles at me
"I love you and I'll miss you too Caitie" then walks out to the taxi awaiting her.
Where is she going? Well L.F.T is "expanding their buisness" and decided to make a new buliding out in California. They offered her a job in the new building so that's where she's off to.
I walk to her room and sit on her bed, tears streaming down my face. She literally just left and I already feel so lonely. We always do everything together. She was always there for me when I needed her and I was always there for her. It's going to be so hard being away from her. She's like my sister.
I hear the phone ringing in the other room and walk towards it slowly, in no rush to answer it.
"Yes?" I answer sniffling
"Cait what's wrong? Why are you crying?"
I smile hearing his voice.
I try to avoid telling him about Marie because I don't want for Michael to see, or hear, me cry
"Michael! It's been a week since we've talked."
"Cait. What's wrong."
I give in and tell him about Marie leaving and he helps me calm down.
"So Cait. Can we meet up now? For lunch, please. I still have something to ask you" he begs.
"Okay, there's a great bakery across the street. Don't worry not many people are in there at this time, so no need to worry about a disguise." I joke
"Very funny." he says sarcasticly before adding "I'll meet you there in 20 minutes."
"Sounds great Michael."
We say our "see you soon"s and hang up.
I get dressed in dark jeans and a baby blue sweater and black shoes. Then curl my hair a little bit. I don't like to wear alot of makeup but I have to cover up the bruise on my cheek bone.
I look in the mirror and am a little satistfied with my look.
It wouldn't hurt to be a little early.
I think to myself as I head towards the door grabbing my keys.


Hmmm.., not even sure what to say about this chapter to be honest guys. I don't know. What do you think? Well I'm not home, I'm in a hotel with really bad wifi so I can't upload as much as I want so sorry. Anyways goodnight Moonwalkies, sweet dreams, although its still pretty early to go to sleep ~L.M.F.M <3


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