Chapter 24.

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I finished getting dressed in some drabs and head back over the the bathroom to comb my hair. Usually I would straighten it but right now I don't care, so I leave the loose dark brown waves alone.
I hear as the front door opens and Marie yells
"Caitie, I'm home!"
"Where were you MC?"
"Uh- talking to someone at the office."
"Alright. Well I'm starving what's for dinner?"
"Actually we're heading out for dinner tonight. So get dressed."
I groan and ask
"Not really. More like casual."
"Alright alright. You shower while I get dressed."
She agrees and I hear her say something but she's whispering so I can't understand her.
As she showers I look for an outfit to wear. I decided I'm going to wear a black strapless dress and black heels. I leave my hair be since it looks nice with my dress.
I slip on the black dress, that is tight at the top and around my waist but flares at the bottom ("skater dress"). I slip on my black heels and apply a little bit of mascara and red lipstick.
"MC! Are you dressed? Can you come here?" I yell.
"Yeah! I'm dressed, I'll be right there" she yells back.
Marie walks in and she's wearing a white dress with mid length sleeves and white heels. Her straight light brown hair is curled and going down her back. Her heart shaped necklace around her neck and big hoop earings dangling from her ears. Also she's wearing light make-up.
"Wow. You always look great Marie."
"You too Caitie. So what's up."
"I need you to clip this for me."
I turn around and hold my hair up as she clips on the necklace.
"Let's get going Caitie." she says.
I grap my stud diamond earing and walk with her.
We walk to the car and start driving.
"Marie, where are we going?"
"You'll see." she says smiling as I frown
"Can you please tell me."
"We were invited to a dinner. By a friend."
"Which friend? Who's going to be there? I don't want to sit around and watch you talk and kiss your boyfriend Marie." I giggle.
"No, no- I mean he'll be there but I didn't invite him myself. It's L.F.T's annual October party.
"Why do they do an October party anyways. What's so great about October?"
"I don't know, something about the month they first opened I think."
"Oh fasinating."
Marie laughs at my reaction and keeps driving in silence.


I can't believe I'm here. Marie convinced me to come. She thinks me and Caitlyn have a lot to discuss. I'm not really sure about what though.
Everyone is gathered in the restaurant, which L.F.T has rented out for the night, I guess it's some traditional October party.
I have small conversations here and there but none of them last very long.
I sit around waiting for Marie and Caitlyn.
They aren't coming Michael.
Just as I get up to leave I spot Marie walking in, then Caitlyn.
Wow she looks stunning.
She's wearing a beautiful black dress and black shoes. She left her hair natural. I love when she does that. She loves wearing strapless dresses. And she always looks good.
I giggle at their height difference.
Caitlyn is so small and cute.
I'm 5'9 and she's 5'5 with heels.
I snap out of my thoughts seeing as Marie makes her way over to me and smiles.
"Michael, you look great! Thanks for coming."
"Thank you. It's my pleasure"
She walks away as the lights go down, hinting the dancing will start.
I haven't seen Caitlyn since she walked in.
I look around to see if I can find her and looking over my shoulder I see her being pulled into another room by a man.
She doesn't look to happy about it. In fact she looks hurt.
Should I help.
Ugh stop wasting time! What if she needs your help now!
I push myself to walk over to the room she was pulled into and put my ear to the door.
The music is so loud I can barely hear anything.
I hear a banging sound and Caitlyn saying "let go of me you jerk!"
I react quickly to the thought of her being hurt in anyway.
"Caitlyn!" I yell as I throw the door open.

Blop. Michael to rescue!!!! But we still haven't found out why they stopped talking for yet another 3 years. Find out soon Moonwalkies. I can't update much for a couple weeks because I got in trouble at school. Ugh. Anyways have a nice day ~L.M.F.M <3

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