Chapter 53.

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•Febuary 19,1989•

"Ma'am please relax, it's okay."
"Where am I?"
"In the hospital darling."
I look up and meet the gaze of an older man.
His hazel eyes stare at me intensely, as his white hair falls in his face.
"I am Dr. Lane I have to ask you some questions, is that alright?"
"Can.. Can Michael be here too?"
"If that makes you more comfortable."

He nods and gets up walking to the door.
They make their way back to me amd Michael holds my hand, kissing my knuckles.
"Now, do you remember your name?"
"Yes. My name is Caitlyn Hendricks."
The doctor smiles
"Good, now can you tell me how old you are?"
"Um yes I'm 29."
"Do you remember this young mans name and what your relationship with him is?"
"Yes, this is Michael, Michael Jackson." I say smiling up at Michael.
"He is my fiancé, and we're having a baby."
The doctor asks me more questions to help jog my memory and make sure there was no damage done to it because of my accident.
"You're doing great. Miss Hendricks, you were out for about 3 days, can you explain what happened?"
As I explained everything to the doctor he just jotted some notes down.

"Very well, we'll have some tests to run.. Is that alright?"
"Yes sir."
"Good, then we'll have your situation looked over by some specialists and then you can be on your way."
"Will it take long?"
"No I doubt so."
Michael and I thanked him as he shook our hands then thanked him once more as he left.

"Caitlyn.." I heard Michael's sweet voice.
"Yes Michael?"
"I-I'm sorry this happened to you. And I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you, I should have been there for you. To take care of you. I said I wouldn't be long and-."
"Michael it isn't your fault please don't apologize."
He stares at me lovingly but also worriedly then nods, taking a seat next to me.
We sit in silence for a while.

"Michael how's our baby?"
"Great, he wasn't harmed."
"Oh thank you god. You think the baby is a boy too?"
"I think so" he giggles but then turns serious.
"I was real scared for you, and for the baby. I was afraid something would happen."
"Michael I'm fine okay?"
"But what if you weren't, or what if the baby wasn't?"
"Michael please. Everything is-"

I stop hearing a knock at the door. Both our heads snap towards the door, not expecting company. But through that small window in the door I can't see anyone.
Michael helps me sit upright in the hospital bed, and we hear the knocking again.
"Um.. Come in?" Michael yells.
The door knob turns and my eyes light up with happiness as everyone piles in the room.


Moonwalkies, Ihope you enjoy! Please comment my loves so I know if you are enjoying it. Hope you've had a great day! ~L.M.F.M <3

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