Chapter 42.

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°December 14, 1987.°

I quietly get out of the bathroom already dressed in jeans and ones of Michael's sweaters.

I tip-toe past him not wanting to wake him at this time since he's on break.

When I reach the kitchen I spot Kalani.

She came with us on tour mostly because I invited her but also because she's Michael's personal chef.

She sees me and smiles.

"Hello, Caitlyn. What are you doing up? It's 9 in the morning?"

"I can ask you the same."

"Well I wake up at 6 and I'm making sure you and Michael have something to eat when you wake up. Spill it."

"Kalani I just have to go to the store before Michael wakes up."

She frowns and shakes her head.

"Caitlyn, you have to stop this. Michael will find out and he'll be worried. Please stop, or as his friend and his employee, as well as yours, I will have to bring it to his attention."

"No! Kalania please!"

"Then please stop."

I hang my head ashamed then hear a knock at the door.

"I'll see you later Kalani."

I walk to the door, out the lobby and go into the car and we head off.

I know I can't keep this from Michael forever. But I can't tell him.. Not now.,


I hear the front door open and rush towards it.

"Hey babe. Kalani told me you were at the store, did you buy anything?" I smile at her.

She smiles nervously and fidgets.

"Uh-yeah I was at the store. Uh, I went to go buy some personal girl things."

"Ohhhh. Okay, lets go have breakfast."

"I had breakfast already. I'll be in the room." she quickly speeds off.

What was that about?

I re-enter the kitchen and sit on the island.

"Is everything okay Mr.Jackson?" Kalani asks passing me breakfast.

I start to eat and shrug my shoulders..

"I don't mean to be in your personal buisness sir, but um, is it Caitlyn?"

I look up making eye contact with her and she seems worried.

"Yes. It is. Do you know anything? Do you know what's wrong?"

Just as she went to answer the phone rang. She picked it up then handed it to me.

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