Chapter 69.

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•March 7,1989•

It's been about 2 weeks since I was discharged from the hospital and I've been doing great if I do say so myself.

Everything seems like it's getting better and going back to normal. I still take the iron pills but not as frequently because the good diet, rest, and stress relief has helped.

Although, Michael has taken this whole "eat a healthy diet" treatment thing so much seriously than I have.

Today, Janet is accompanying me to the doctors. Michael said I should check on the baby since we haven't gone in a while.

Michael would be here, but he has to work on some stuff in the studio I suppose, he said he would be out with Quincy.

I always wonder if Michael ever stops worrying about his music.

Janet and I are finally called into the room.

They do whatever it is doctors do and then we head over to get a ultrasound.

I promised Michael I wouldn't ask for the gender of the baby because we wanted to be surprised. So I tried my best not to look at the screen as she checked my baby.

Janet kept her eyes glued on the screen and she seemed completely surprised. Then the doctor printed out a copy of the screen and handed it to Janet.

After procedure, Janet stayed behind talking to my doctor walking out with an envelope, looking confused.

"Jan? What's that?" I ask pointing to the envelope.

She looks at the envelope in her hand then back at me. She shakes her head and smiles walking out towards her car.

"This is the picture silly. I didn't want you to have any chance in know what the gender was." She laughs.

"Oh gosh you too? Michael said he wants it to be a surprise too."

"Yeah, well you'll both be surprised. Very surprised." She states.

"Well, I'll drop you off at Neverland, I have some errands to run. But I'll be back over later."

"Alright Jan, thanks."

The drive back to Neverland was weirdly silent.

Drives with Janet usually never are. Heck, nothing with Janet was ever silent.

We reach the gates of Neverland and I tell Janet to drop me off, as I could walk the rest of the way to the main house like I always do. But she declines and drives me all the way to the house. Saying stuff about I can't put too much pressure on my feet, and my back will start hurting soon, and it's too hot and blah blah blah.

After she's given me that lecture she switches to the lecture about eating right. Something about because I'm not just eating for myself anymore.

"Janet I know I've been pregnant for a while now. I'm 13 weeks tomorrow. That's like 3 months pregnant! Omg, I'll be in the 2nd trimester next week!"

"You're strange Caitlyn Hendricks. Strange. Anyways have you started showing? I can't tell you've been wearing loose clothing since you got out of the hospital."

I blush, I have started showing. It's very noticeable which is strange because the doctor first said I wouldn't start showing until around weeks 15 or 16. But I've been showing for a week or two now.

She bids goodbye, promising to come back later for dinner.

I head inside, thinking of Michael and my baby.

I go into the library and sit on the big couch, starting to think of names.

If the baby is a boy, I'll alow Michael to name him. I'll give him his middle name.

What will Michael name him?

Soon, with all the thinking of the baby, and the waiting on Michael and the sudden tiredness from who knows what, I fall asleep on the couch.

Dreaming of a beautiful place, with a beautiful man, a beautiful child and a beautiful life.

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