Chapter 35.

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°November 15, 1987.°

It'd been a couple of hours since the party started and everyone was starting to leave.
I stayed with the Jackson family until they too, went seperate ways.
Finally I turn around in search of Michael and spot him talking to Diana Ross and that girl. I walk over to Michael and he smiles at me.
"Cait, uh, this is Diana Ross," he says nodding towards her.
"Hi, pleasure to meet you Ms.Ross. I'm Caitlyn." I say putting my hand out for her to shake.
She laughs and pulls me into a hug.
"Please call me Diana. The pleasure is all mine, trust me I know who you are."
"What do you mean Diana?"
"Well Michael talks about you all the time." she winks.
"Really?" I ask smiling.
"Really." she confirmes "I should get going, it's late. I'll see you two another time."
I smile up at Michael seeing his cheeks still red.
"So, uh, I have to go say bye to my Family. I'll-I'll be right back.."
He quickly walks away and I turn to that girl.
"Hi, I'm Caitlyn." I smile and put my hand out.
"I know who you are. I'm Brooke. You probably already know that."
"Um no. Brooke?"
She scoffs.
"Ugh Brooke Shields."
I put my hand down, examining her face, Brooke Shields? She looks different in person.
"And let me just say Michael's mine." I give her a confused look.
"He didn't tell you? I guess not. I thought you were bestfriends?"
"We're dating."
"Really? Because that's not what Michael told me, he said you were just bestfriends."
"And when did he tell you this?"
"At around 2 this afternoon." she smirked.
"But Michael was with Frank..."
"Sure. If that's what he told you."
"What are you talking about?"
"Lets just say he was in my room.. And I was very pleased." she smiled.
I stood there and stared at her while she smirked.
"As a matter of fact, he was the one pleasing me."
My eyes widened at this statment as she walked around me.
No Michael didn't do anything wrong. He wasn't with her.
We still are bestfriends.
We just also happen to be dating.
Michael walks over to me and hands me a drink.
"You okay?" he asks placing a kiss on my head.
"Fine. I have to talk to Jan, I'll see you later." I walk away and look for Janet.
I know she hasn't left yet.
Finally I spot and walk towards her.
"Hey Jan." I say softly
"Oh, hey Cait! This is-"
"Caitlyn? Hendricks?" the lady behind her questions. I look around Janet and my eyes widen.
"Elizabeth? Oh my gosh Elizabeth I haven't seen you in the longest!"
We embrace each other for a while.
Elizabeth Taylor and I became very close when we first met a while back when Michael introduced us.
"Well I see you have already met." Janet laughs.
"So how are you and Michael dear?" Elizabeth asks.
I look at the floor.
"We're good." I le.
"Great to hear. I should get going now, call me sometime Sweetheart."
I nod and smile as she walks away.
"So how are you and Michael really?" Janeg asks.
"Well, that's what I came over here to talk about. See-" I look around and lead Janet outside.
I sigh before I start talking.
"It-It's Brooke. In short, today it had been about 6 hours since I had seen Michael, he told me he was discussing something with Frank. He seemed nervous when I talked to him at first but I didn't know why. Now I was talking to Brooke and she told me Michael was with her at 2 this afternoon, when he was supposedly with Frank..."
"What's wrong with that?" Janet asked.
"She said he was in her room... and she was pleased. In fact, she said he was the one pleasing her." I say softly as tears formed in my eyes.
Janet looked shocked.
"Jan, I don't know what to do."
"I don't know what to tell you. I wouldn't think Michael would do such a thing. My brother isn't like that.... I hope."
"I hope not either."
"Well I don't think you should be arguing before he leaves."
My eyebrows furrow.
"What do you mean leaves?"
"He didn't tell you? He's-"
"Cait?" Michael yells interupting her.
"She's over here!" Janet yells as Michael makes his way over to us.
"Hey I've been looking for you. Everyone already left. I need to talk to you."
"That's my que to leave then. See ya Applehead." Janet says giving Michael a hug as he returns it.
"See ya Dunk."
She turns to me,
"Bye Caitie, call me alright?"
"Will do, bye Jan." we hug and she hurries off to her car.
I walk around Michael and head up the stairs back into the house.

"Babe, I thought you'd want a tour of the house?" Michael stated, but it came out more of a question.
"Why not?"
"Jermaine gave me a tour already."
"Jermaine!? Why were you with Jermaine? Why'd he give you a tour? What else did you do? What did you talk about?"
"Michael chill, he gave me a quick tour of the inside because I wanted a look around and I didn't want to bother you. Then he just introduced me to everybody and we stayed with the rest of your family."
"Oh, okay."
He looks down at the floor, not knowing what else to say.
"Michael can I ask you something? You have to promise to answer honestly." I ask a little too eagerly.
"Yeah.. I promise. What is it?"
"Were you with Brooke today?"
Michael sighed and I already knew the answer .
"Yes. I was."
He looked up at me as my eyes filled with hurt.
"What did you guys do?"
"We just talked."
"Just talked?"
"Yeah that's what I said...?"
"That's not what she told me." I mumbled not so much under my breath
"Cait, what did she tell you?"
"She said... she said you, you know"
"No Caitlyn, I don't know."
"She said..that you, well, pleased her.." I whispered.
I look up at Michael and see as his eyebrows furrow and eyes widen.
He shakes his head.
"Oh god. Baby please don't tell me you believed her."
I hung my head staring at the floor.
"I did."
He took my hand and sighed.
"Well I didn't."
"Yes! I wouldn't do that to you. I love you Cait."
He said as he lifted my head and kissed me lips tenderly.
"I love you more Mikey."
"Hey that's my line!"
"Not anymore!" I laugh.
"By the way where'd Mikey come from?"
"I don't know." I shrugged then quickly asked,
"You don't like it? I'll stop calling you that if you want. I-"
"I do, I was just wondering." he smiled.
"You should know Brooke likes me though."
I laughed at his statment.
"Well, obviously. You should know, Jermaine didn't show me 3 of the rooms. Maybe you can."
He smiled down at me and lead me to the stairs.
"Of course I can."


Good thing they didn't argue. I didn't know what to do with this chapter. Hang in there with me guys. Hope all you Moonwalkies had a good day today. ~L.M.F.M <3


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