Chapter 17.

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After lunch, as we were walking, it started raining really hard and we got soaking wet.
Michael suggested that we go to his hotel room so that he can ask me whatever he needed to ask me in private. I'm guessing it's important.
Once we reach his hotel room, avoiding the papparazzi by going through the back, I ask him to point me to the bathroom and he does so.
I wash my face feeling relieved that the heavy make-up is off. I reach into my purse and re-apply a thin layer of lip gloss and mascara.
I walk back into the living room to see Michael smiling at me.
I blush and look to the other side. I look back at Michael only to see that his smile has faded away and he now looks angry and worried.
"Michael, what's wrong? What happened?" I question confused at his sudden mood change.
He stares at me for a while before responding
"I should be asking you that, Cait." he says frowning.
"What? What are you talking about Michael?"
"What happened there?" he says pointing to my cheek.
Shit. It's the bruise! I forgot!
"I-I don't know what your talking about."
"Don't lie to me Cait. What happened?"
I sigh and take a seat on the couch as Michael sits across from me on the other couch.
"Okay I'll tell you. You remember when U told you Marie was living with me right?"
"Yes, I remember."
"Well, she wasn't the only one. Les was also there-"
"Les? Les is a guy. Why was he living with you?" he says standing up.
"Michael sit down please. Let me finish okay?"
"Fine" he says angrily then sits back down
"Okay. So Les WAS her boyfriend and he was living with us because he was helping us pay the bills as well. I never got along with him. We were always arguing. He didn't treat Marie right. So when she found out that he was cheating on her, she finally broke up with him and we kicked him out. One night he was drunk and for whatever other reason, he got the idea that I convinced Marie to break up with him and he came to our place and broke down the door. When he saw he was furious and well he- he hit me."
"That little-"
"Sorry, but why would he hit you, Cait? It wasn't your fault! That shouldn't have happened to you."
"Michael, it's not your fault, and I'm fine now. I promise."
"Did he do anything else to you?"
I bite my bottom lip nervously.
"Um. No. Nothing else."
Michael gets up obviously realzing that I'm lieing.
He walks over to me and pulls me up by my arm.
"Cait. Your always lieing to me. Stop that. Now tell me."
"Oww Michael, your hurting me" I whine pulling away from him and rubbing my arm.
He looks back and forth at me and my arm and then takes a couple steps back.
"Off." he demands pointing at me.
I don't know what he's talking about 'off' but wow he's really demanding. I didn't know he was like this.
"Cait. I said take it off. Please."
My eyes widen as I realize he wants me to take off my sweater.
"Michael, I- I don't-"
"Caitlyn. Please just do as I say."
I take off my sweater showing my tank-top, revealing my arm.
"What the hell!?"
I look down embarrassed. I have multiple bruises on my arm.
"He did this too didn't he?" Michael asked softly.
I nod silently.
"Cait. Look at me."
I don't look up. I keep my eyes on the floor. I feel Michael's finger under my chin lifting it so I'm looking him in the eyes.
"What else did he do to you?"
I feel my eyes water and shake my head.
"Cait, it's fine. You can tell me. Please, I just want to help you."
At this moment I can no longer hold back my tears. I run to Michael and grip his shirt tightly, crying into his chest.
"He- he, he tried to rape me."I say, my voice cracking.
Michael stays silent for a while.
"Cait, I want you to go with me."
"Move to California with me. Move into Hayvenhurst."
"Michael I can't do that."
"Why not?"
"It's not my home. I have no buisness being there."
"I'm asking you to. Cait please."
"Michael I'd love to."
"But what?"
"I don't want to be a distraction. I want you to stay focused on your music and I'm only going to cause-"
"Cait. Please. I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now."
I look into his pleading eyes. He makes the puppy face he used to do when we were kids.
"Michael, stop that. I'll go with you" I say laughing.
"Great. I knew you'd give in." he says smirking.


Yay yay yay! She's finally moving in with Michael. But don't get it twisted. They aren't "a thing" theyre just bestfriends. Anyways, she'll be reunited with his fam again!!! But what will Joesph say! Find out soon my amazing Moonwalkies (I'm not sure why I like that nickname. I feel like im talking to a baby though) haha, Night loves.~L.M.F.M <3


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