Chapter 48.

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°Febuary 5, 1989°

"Will you marry me?"
Michael's words echoed in my head over and over again.
Tears on the verge of falling, but don't.
Is this really happening?
Is this real?
I can't believe this. I stand there frozen looking at Michael.
Michael's eyes flash with a bit of worry and confusion as he takes one of my hands, still holding the box on his knee.
"Cait?" he asks, and I hear his voice shaking.
I try to speak but I can't.
But in the moment, speaking just isn't going to work.
Instead I squeeze Michael's hand and nod my head letting the tears flow.
Michael's eyes light up and a huge smile forms on his face. He slips on the ring and stands, picking me up, twirling me around.
"I love you Michael." I say as he sets me down,
"I love you more" Michael replies kissing me deeply.
This. This is perfect.
Michael and I stare into each others eyes, not wanting this moment to end. Nothing can ruin this. How I feel inside. I have no words for it.
Michael makes me feel so special, I'm so lucky to have him in my life.


I can't believe she said yes!
I'm so relived. When it took her a minute to answer I got worried that she was questioning our love.
I stared into her beautiful eyes.
Joy and happiness is all I found in them.
This is who I want to see everyday. The person that makes me the happiest.
She's the one I want to wake up to, the one I want to alqays love.
There's nobody I would rather be with then Caitlyn.
She really is the love of my life and I can't wait to see what the future brings.


Super short chapter, I know. :( but I just wanted to put something out there for you all, this is just a filler. I wanted to get it out of the way, any ways I need some ideas on how to write the wedding scene so pleaseeee PM ME if you have any ideas!!!! I'd appreciate it very much, thank youu. I hope you all had a great day. I love you Moonwalkies. ~L.M.F.M <3

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