Chapter 31.

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It's monday morning and I get up from bed feeling tired and gloomy.
Caitlyn didn't talk to me all yesterday. As a matter of fact, she didn't come out of the guest room at all.
I know I have to prove this to Cait before things get worse.
I do my morning hygiene and get dressed up.
Quickly heading downstairs and out the door.
No time for saying hello, no time for chatting, no time for breakfast. There's just no time.
I have to prove this to Caitlyn as fsst as I can.
I hop in the car and tell the driver where we are off to. He gives me a wierd look but drives regardless.
Hopefully I'll have Cait back soon after this.


I hear the sound of a car driving up to the house waking me up.
Slowly getting up and rubbing my eyes. I walk towards the window and peek through the curtain.
I see as Michael quickly hops into the car and it speeds off.
Where's he off to?
Probably Breanna's house..
Why do I do this to myself?
Sighing, I walk to the bathroom.
I brush my teeth and head down the stairs to the kitchen. I see both chefs are in there having coffee and talking.
"Good Morning Lila," I say to the head chef.
Her and I are very close now. She is quite tall and has short brown hair that is usually up. She has a tan complextion and blue eyes.
I turn to Ariel, who is shorter than Lila but taller than I. She too has brown hair that is usually up, but hers is longer with highlights. She has a darker shade of blue in her eyes.
"Good Morning Ariel." I say.
"Good Morning Ms.Hendricks." they both say at the same time causing me to chuckle.
"Please. I've told you ladies to call me Caitlyn or Cait- or Caitie, which ever you prefer."
"Okay well, Caitie, I'm off to culinary class now. I'll see you when I arrive afterwards. Have a good day." Ariel says.
"Okay Ariel, good luck. Thank you, you too." she smiles and waves before walking out.
I turn to Lila.
"Your sister is really pretty Lila. She looks alot like you."
"Thank you. So how are you this morning sweetpea?"
"I could be better."
"I didn't see you at all yesterday. Were you all right?"
"Yes. It's just something that happened with Michael. You didn't see me because I didn't come out of the room. Not even to eat."
At my last remark she nearly chokes on her coffee.
"Nothing to eat all day! You poor girl! I'll fix you up something right now!"
"No really there's no need to-"
"Hush.. Just like my baby sister. You and Ariel are so alike. I'm going to get you something and you'll explain what happened." she states.
I chuckle as she gets up.
Once she's done I start to eat and also explain what happend. It feels nice to have someone to talk to who cares.


Blooop. This is quite boring. In fact it's just a filler pretty much. Either way I hope you enjoy it. Things never seem to go right huhh? They'll get better soon- I hope. Haha. Well I hope everyone had a good day today. ~L.M.F.M <3


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