Chapter 2.

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I sat in the room quietly, hearing everyone else having a good time with each other. Hearing conversations about relationships, even though we all knew relationships were a distraction sometimes, according to Joesph.
"What's wrong sweetheart?"
"Huh?" I looked up to see it was my mother
"Oh. Nothing. I'm fine" I said looking at the floor
"Is it Caitlyn, again?" she said softly
I turned red, how did she know?
"Michael, you haven't stopped talking about her since your father told you to focus on your career and stop sending letter to Caitlyn."
"Nuh-uh! I don't always talk about her. But I do miss her." When I said that everyone turned to look at me
"Don't." I corrected my self "I uh-don't miss her - that much" I lied.
"I know, I know." Mother said patting my knee and winking. I looked back at everyone, they were still staring
"What? I don't!"
"Oh c'mon Michael! If we mention Gary you talk about the old days with her! If we mention New York you mention letters you two sent each other after she moved to New York! You always find a way to talk about her!" Randy yelled jokingly, he wasn't trying to put me on the spot but he did. And he was right.
I looked down and I heard Janet yell "Applehead!"
"What? What are you talking about?".
"Your face turns red like an apple! Your blushing! Applehead!" she said laughing
"Be quiet Dunk"
Everyone started laughing and I couldn't help but laugh myself.
But even as I was laughing I thought about Caitlyn. I never stopped loving her- I mean liking her- I mean..., No, I was right the first time. I loved her. I sat there thinking about it even after everyone left to their own hotel rooms.
"Michael? It's getting late. You really should go to sleep. Although you have a 2 week break from tour you really should rest up. Maybe it will help you relax on the plane?" Mother whispered the last part then winked at me. I smiled and nodded.


Isn't Michael so cute!? But if he has a 2 week break, why does he need to hop on a plane? Find out soon :-) Comment please! Soon will have both their P.O.V.s. Don't take the begining the wrong way though! Joesph isn't a monster, guys really. Anways ~ L.M.F.M


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