Chapter 68.

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•Febuary 22,1989•

I rested my head ontop of Caitlyn's hand and pleaded for her to come back to me.

Then, I felt a small amont of pressure on my hand.

I lifted my head and stared down at our hands. Then I looked at Caitlyn.

"Cait... Cait was that you? Baby, try to do it again, please."

Again I felt slight pressure on my hand as Caitlyn lightly squeezed it.

I watched as her chest rose then staggeringly fell back down.

I pushed the button to the side of the bed, and ran to the door.

This felt like déjà vu. Only this time I couldn't yell because I didn't want to wake people up. Luckily I saw one of the nurses who had helped before and called her over.

Soon the doctor was with us as well as they removed the tube from Caitlyn's mouth delicately and as soon as it was out Caitlyn began coughing.

"Shhh, Cait it's okay. Calm down baby."

She did as told as best she could and calmed down, still getting used to the sudden gust of oxygen she breathed in on her own I suppose.

Her eyes were still shut but a smile played on her face.

"Michael." She finally said, and before I could answer she spoke again.

"I love you more." She whispered as her eyes fluttered open to meet mine.

I smiled as tears of joy began to fall.

"I love you most." I replied kissing her softly.

When the doctor came back in, Caitlyn was ready to hear the treatment options.

"Okay, I'll go through the list and tell you treatments. Would you like to start with a specific one?" The doctor asked us.

"No, just go down the list please, I've already told Caitlyn the reasons." I said politely.

"Very well. Michael already knows so I'll just go through this rather quickly. As for your Anemia, it shouldn't be a permanent thing; you must be very careful as it could hurt the baby. For this, we'll prescribe to you some iron pills so that your iron level rises back up to normal. It should be back up to normal level in not time as long as you take these pills, and eat well."

"As for exhaustion, this is quite simple. Just rest, and drink lots of water. Simple enough, right Ms.Hendricks?"

Caitlyn giggled and nodded.

"For the emotional stress, also just rest, and I would recommend to avoid alcohol for a while until your doctor says other wise. Also eat a well balanced diet and do what you need to do is relieve stress."

"And now, for the medications. We've been working on trying to find which medications caused a wrong reaction within your system and then you will have to stop using them gradually, then all together."

Caitlyn looks down as he speaks about the medications.

We explained what that situation was and he said as long as she doesn't abuse those medications again it shouldn't be a problem.

"Now I have some good news. Mr.Jackson, you may go home."

"What? No! I mean, I'm sorry but I'm no. I'm not leaving Caitlyn."

He smiles at me and nods,

"You may go home, with Ms.Hendricks."

My eyes lit up at the news.


"Yes, I'll leave the discharge papers here then you'll be able to go home later tonight."

With that he shook my hand, then Caitlyn's and left the room.

Leaving Caitlyn and I simply smiling at each other. She filling out the papers eagerly, and I calling for Bill to get her a change of clothes and for Kalani to prepare a meal. And for everyone to be at the house when we arrived.

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