Chapter 80.

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•July 15,1989•

I awoke from a beautiful sleep with Caitlyn still in my arms.

Today was the big day. The day I've been waiting for. The surprise.

Caitlyn still had no idea that this was happening. This meant so much to me and I hope it would mean just as much to her.

Because it was a big event, I knew I had to start the decorations early. But I couldn't have Caitlyn here or else it wouldn't be so much of a surprise.

I quietly got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, doing my usual morning routine.

Once finished I got dressed in a blue button up and black slacks. I pulled on my white socks then my black loafers.

I kissed Caitlyn's forhead, grabbed my fedora and went downstairs.

Kalani was, of course, already preparing breakfast.

"Good morning sir. Excited for today?"

"Of course I am. But I'm also nervous."

"I understand. I'm sure she'll love it."

"Hopefully. Kalani after I get Caitlyn out of the house, we need to call everyone. Okay? Make sure everyone on the guest list gets a call and knows when to come. As for the other people they need to be here when Cait leaves. ASAP. That includes all the party planners, bakers, cooks, everyone. I need them all here."

"Right, I'll have some of the other maids start on calling the guests right away."

"Thank you."

So with that, she walked away and got to buisness. I served myself breakfast and thought about how the day was going to go.


I finished brushing my teeth, getting freshend up and dressed, I headed downstairs slowly.

My back was killing me. I held onto the rail tightly just in case.

Once I reached the kitchen, I spotted Michael at the island eating quietly.

"Hey." I smiled.

He turned in my direction and smiled, hopping off of his chair and came to hug me. He then pulled out my chair and helped me up onto it.

He served me breakfast and stared at me the whole time I ate, which I didn't mind. I just wanted to know why.

"Why are you staring at me?" I chuckled wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"Because you're so beautiful. I can't get enough of you."

I blushed as he kisses my cheek.

"Alright babe, ready to hear the plan?" He asked.

"Um, what plan?"

"Today's plan silly." He chuckled.

"You'll be going out with my mother and maybe Rebbie and La Toya will tag along."

"Why? I mean, not that I mind, but why?"

"I just figured you should have a girl days out." He shrugged.

"Well what about Janet? And Marie?"

"Um, Janet? She's....she's busy. She already made plans with Shawn. And Marie has a project to do, she said she'd catch up with you all later."

I nodded.

"Well, okay then. What about you? Where will you be?"

"I inivited my brothers over, we haven't hung out in a while so I figured why not today?"

I laughed and agreed.

"When will I be leaving?"

He looked over at the clock and smiled.


He finished up his breakfast and there was a knock on th door.

He went to go get it, and I heard my name being called from the door. I made my way over to the door and saw Mrs.Jackson standing there.

"Oh, hey Mama K! How are you?" I smiled hugging her.

"I'm fine. You look gorgeous my dear. Oh my!" She laughed admiring my bump, tears filing her eyes.

"Mama, please don't cry." I begged. I knew if she cried, I would too.

"Oh silly me, getting emotional. It's just that, Michael's always wanted a baby, and now he's finally getting one, and it's even more perfect because it's with you and he just seems so happy and..."

"Mom, please calm down."

Michael hugged her and wiped her tears away softly.

"Well, we better get going. La Toya and Rebbie are waiting in the car. We'll see you later Michael."

"Okay mom, bye. Have fun girls." He said kissing my cheek then Mama K's.

"Oh, here you go mother." He yelled.

He handed her a stack of money and card.

Instead of denying it she took it and put it in her purse and he winked my way.

"What is all that money for?" I questioned as we made our way to the limo.

"For you."

"For what?"

"It's a surprise."

That's all I got. No matter how much I begged her or La Toya or Rebbie to tell me. All I got was silence, giggling or "It's a surprise." 

I really just wanted to know what was going on.

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