Chapter 57.

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•February 20,1989•

I wake up abruptly by the loud ringing of my phone. Not wanting it to wake Cait as well, I frantically look around for it.
Finally spotting it on the other side of the couch, I reach over for it and answer.

"Hello?" I whisper.
No response.

"Hello?" I say raising my voice.
No response again.

"Hello?" I say in a now normal voice.
No response yet again.
I have no patience or time for this right now.

Deciding if the person on the other end really
needed to talk they'd call back, I hang up.

I glance at the time.
Only 7 a.m.
Cait'll want to sleep in, I guess. I say to myself and shrug.

My stomach growls and I realize I haven't eaten in a while. I quickly run to the small "cafeteria" area they have.
Well it's not really a "cafeteria" per se. It's just some nasty pick-up and go hospital food and plenty of vending machines with snacks and drinks.

Lucky for me since it was so early there was nobody in there.

As I'm trying to decide what I'm getting from the snack machine a man walks in and stands at the machine to my right and smiles at me.

"Good Morning" he says cheekily.

"Good Morning" I smile.

"It's quite early isn't it? To be getting junk from these snack machines." He laughs nodding to the chips he just purchased.

"Yeah, it is." I chuckle

"So, are you waiting to see someone too?" He questions. And my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Um no, are you?"

"Yes. Visiting hours aren't for a couple hours, or until she feels up for it, but I don't want to be late, so I guess I'll be waiting here."

I nod in understandment.

"Well, I've got to get going. It was nice meeting you, sir." I say getting up.

"You too." He says  back.

I look back at him as I walk out, there's something oddly familiar of him but I can't figure out what it is.


Who do you think it is !? Why does Michael find him "familiar". Think about it let me know what you think in the comments! I'm writing an A/N this chapter because I'm not sure if I'll be able to publish the next chapter this weekend. But enjoy Moonwalkies. Hope you had a good day.
~L.M.F.M <3

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