Chapter 51.

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•February 16,1989•

Michael made me an appointment for next week, it was the earliest they had.
I was so excited to go, I couldn't wait for the baby.
Michael left in the early hours of the morning to finish up some business while I slept. He said he wouldn't be too long.
I stayed in bed all day feeling like crap. I figured it was just because of the baby so I didn't pay it much mind. I just thought some rest would help.
I flipped the covers back over me and took a nap.
When I woke, it was mid afternoon and Michael still wasn't home from work yet and he hadn't called either.
For some reason it suddenly got hot, I threw the sheets off of my body seeking cool air.
I started to feel my body temperature rise, but I was getting cold shivers down my spine. It was an uncomfortable, scary feeling. I flipped to the other side of the bed hoping the cold sheets would help, but when it didn't go away I decided to get up and get some water. I became very weak from walking down the stairs, and resorted to holding onto the wall as I slowly walked towards the kitchen.
I looked around for someone but there was nobody in sight.
I finally poured myself some water and leaned on the counter.
My head started spinning and my knees became weak, and I realized something was terribly wrong.
My baby. My baby. Oh God please let my baby be alright.
I tried taking deep breaths to calm myself down and relax.
I reached for the phone and dialed Michael's number quickly. As it rang and rang, my hope of him answering was lost but I still redialed. I needed to do something and I needed to do it fast.
I screamed as loud as I could hoping she would hear me, wherever she was. I felt as if I wasn't going to get help. Ever.
The phone was finally answered and tears fell to my cheeks.
"Michael?" I questioned sniffling
"Cait? Are you crying?"
"Baby I want you to know that I love you, with all my heart. I'm sorry for any wrong I've ever done to you, tell your family and Marie I love them so much. And I'm so glad I met them.... And I'm thankful for all they've done for me..." I started sobbing feeling helpless and scared.
"Baby? What's going on? You're scaring me."
My vision was going in and out and I no longer had strength to stand. I fell to my knees, letting the glass cup hit the hard floor breaking into a million pieces.
"Please help me." I forced out.
He was no longer talking to me but I heard him yelling,
"Get an ambulance to Neverland now! It's Caitlyn!"
I felt somewhat a relief knowing he was sending help.
He tried to comfort me through the phone and I knew he was on his way because I heard the car door slam and the background noise was no longer heard.
"Cait? Cait listen you're going to be okay, I promise. Don't give up baby, I love you. I love you so much, more then you could ever imagine. Please hang in there...."
That's all I really wanted to hear. Other then my baby, that's why I was hanging in so strongly, just to hear him say he loves me.
Everything he was saying now sounded like it was too far in the distance to comprehend.
It was suddenly harder to breathe, like the air became thicker and my throat was closing.
My eyes began to water and I felt as if I was hyperventilating.
I layed on my back trying to catch air but it was no use. Everything went completely black.
At least I was able to hear him say he loves me.. Maybe for the last time.


What do you think is wrong with Caitlyn my Moonwalkies? Please comment loves. I hoe you all enjoyed and are having a wonderful day. Be ready for the next chapter Loves!
~L.M.F.M <3

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