Chapter 12.

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We finally reach the fair that's right next to the Pier. I park the car and get out.
"Wow MC, you weren't kidding. There's like nobody here." I say looking at the practically vacant fair.
It's a pretty small fair, mostly for teenagers but they're most likely at the kick-off.
I wouldn't come here if I wasn't with Marie. I would have thought it was pretty lame to be honest, only because there aren't many rides.
"I know Caitie! When am I ever wrong?"
We all laugh and walk to the fair, but Marie runs to buy her wristband leaving Michael and I behind.
How is that woman not cold. I mean seriously. She's wearing jeans, a tank top and a light cardigan. Fall is not treating New York well. I can tell this winter is gonna be freezing.
I untie my sweater from my waist and put it on. To my luck it's a light sweater and doesn't help much.
We finally catch up with Marie who has already purchased wristbands for the three of us and is dragging us on to get to the first thing she sees.
To my suprise it isn't a ride. It's one of those "fun houses".
I look up to see what the name of it was. There in bold bright letters is the name "Crazy House Of Clowns"
"Oh no" I accidently say outloud.
Michael and Marie both look at me and at the same time ask
"What's wrong?"
I narrow my eyes quickly at Marie. She knows what's wrong.
"Um, nothing, I thought my wristband slipped off"
Michael looks at me then at my wrist.
"But it's secured tightly. How would it-"
"Let's just go inside okay?" I say cutting him off.
I wait until he's inside and punch Marie in the arm.
"Great. Thanks Marie. You just HAD to bring me in here, didn't you?"
She just held her arm and chuckled.
This is going to a horrible walk through this stupid Crazy House.


What's with Cait? I wonder if she doesn't want to be in here.
I stop and wait for her and Marie to catch up to me.
"Ready?" I ask smiling as I push the door revealing the path we have to take to get out. I peak inside and notice it's dark with a few flashing "broken" light here and there.
"Yeah! Let's go!" Marie yells and walks inside.
"Uh, sure" Cait says nervously.
As soon as the door closes behind me with a loud "bang" a clown pops up in front of us causing us all to scream and Cait to fly into my arms. After it was gone she let go and continued walking as if nothing happened.
We keep walking and more and more clowns pop up, grabbing us and trying to scare us. Me and Marie laugh the entire time.
One popped up right in front of Cait and she ran back to me and held me tight. This time when it was gone she let go but held my hand tight.
We finally reach the exit and stumble out laughing. Well at least Marie and I were laughing. Cait was still holding my hand with her eyes shut tightly.
"Cait what's wrong?"
Marie taps on my shoulder and whispers,
"She's really really really afraid of clowns."
I turn back to Cait and hold her in my arms.
"Cait I had no idea. I'm sorry."
She breaks free from my arms and wipes a way a couple tears before saying "it's fine, don't worry about it." and giving a small smile.
"What's up next?" I ask.
Cait and Marie look at each other and
simultaneously yell
"FOOD!" and they run off laughing and holding hands like little girls.
That was wierd. Wasn't she just crying? Oh well.
I run to catch up to them and notice they are already ordering something from one of the food truck. I noticed they both got the same thing: Fries, a Burger and a Soda.
I stand along with them but don't order anything.
We sit down and I watch as Cait and Marie eat their burgers and laugh. I guess they too haven't seen each other in a while.
"Michael, did you eat today?" Cait asks taking a sip of her drink.
"Um. Now that I think of it, no, I haven't eaten."
Her eyes widen and her and Marie look at each other.
"Michael! Come over here right now!" I get up and walk towards them, although I hadn't noticed I sat at a different table than they did.
They both move their fries towards me and Marie says
"It's not much but really, you have to eat."
I look at Cait and see the concern in her eyes.
"Fine. I'll eat."

I didn't know what to write and I was really bored but didn't have much 'creative juices' flowing so this is a pretty random boring chapter. Oh well. Enjoy it anyways and goodnight loves ~L.M.F.M

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