Chapter 44.

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{Caitlyn} ch.44 (NY Hotel)

°December 18, 1987.° sun.

I wake up and find myself laying on Michael's bare chest.
My mind instantly wanders to the fantasy that was last night.
I look up and admire Michael's sleeping face.
As I get up he stirs but doesn't wake up. I quickly shower and wash my hair then wrap my body and hair in a towel.
After slipping on a some high waisted light colored jeans and an flowy aqua half shirt and black flats I hear the phone ringing.
I jog into the room and pick it up.
"Hey girl!"
"Janet! Hey, what's up?"
"Nothing girl. Is Michael up yet?"
"No. Did you need to talk to him? I could wake him if-"
"No! It's fine. Want to hang out today?"
"Umm... Sure. But I have somewhere to go at 5. Is that okay?"
"That's fine. Well I'll pick you up at 1 and have you back by 4. See ya girl."
"See ya Jan."
She hangs up and I sigh.
I look over my shoulder slightly to see Michael's eyes on me. I slowly turn around and he quickly closes his eyes.
I giggle as I walk over to the bed and climb ontop of him sitting down with my elbows lightly resting on his chest.
"Pssst. Michael."
No answer.
No answer.
I kiss the corner of his mouth and whisper.
"Baby. I know your awake."
He flutters his eyes open, as if he was just waking up, and places his hands on my waist.
"Goodmorning handsome."
He shuts his eyes tight and smiles without showing his teeth causing ne to giggle.
I smile and lean in for a kiss but he stops me.
"What's wrong?"
He shuffles underneath me hinting for me to get off. I quickly get off and he stands up covering his mouth and rushes to the bathroom.
Great. The mere sight of me in the mornings makes him sick.
After a couple minutes Michael comes back and kisses me sweetly.
"Sorry Babe. Had to take care of that Morning Breath."
I laugh.
See I'm always putting myself down...
"It's okay baby. Oh, Michael, I'm going out with Janet today at 1."
"Alright baby. I should probably head to the studio at that time anyways."
"I thought you were on break?"
"Break doesn't really mean break when your on tour. It means no performances for a while but still have to work and rehearse and practice most of the time."
I chuckle.
"Okay Michael, I'll see you downstairs."
I head off downstairs and wait for Michael.
Kalani see's me and I know she knows I haven't told Michael, and I'm not planning on it either.
Janet arrives and Michael walks me out. I turn around and fix the collar on his green shirt before kissing him goodbye. He heads off to his car and I head off with Janet.
"Hello? Yes this is she.... Who's this?... Oh hi. What can I do for you?...Um yes....She's what?... No you must be mistaken. Can we talk in private-not over the phone?....As soon as possible...Okay, I'll be there."
Janet ends the call and grabs my hand heading to the checkout line.
"Jan is everything alright?"
She avoids eye contact with me and stares straight ahead.
"Mhm" was the only response I recieved.
After we checked out we silently walk back to the car and get in.
"It's almost 5 so I've called someone to take you to where ever you needed to be already."
We head off back to the hotel and walk into the room where Kalani is preparring something in the suite's kitchen.
"Um, Kalani please tell Michael I went out and I'll be back soon."
She nods.
"Jan, walk out with me?"
"I have some catching up to do with Kalani. Before I head off." she nods towards Kalani who does it back.
"Okay then. I'll see you later."
I nod and give a small smile recieving none in return.
What's going on?


I step into the kitchen of the suite and am greeted by Janet and Kalani.
"Hey girls."
They both look up at me then each other.
"What's going on?"
Kalani nods giving Janet the okay.
"Michael, we need to talk to you. It's very serious."
"What is it Janet?"
"It's- it's um..." she swallows and closes her eyes so Kalani continues for her instead.
"It's Miss Caitlyn, sir."
My heart races.
"What about her? Is she okay?"
"Well Mr.Jackson I think we should take a seat."
She and Janet walk past me and into the living room, taking a seat on the couch.
I watch Janet as she fidgets and rubs her knees trying to relax herself.
"Just one moment Mr.Jackson." Kalani says then goes off into the kitchen.
Kalani returns with water for Janet and I, then heads back off yo the kitchen returning again with water for herself and a bag, then takes a seat.
Janet speaks again this time.
"Michael. I'm sorry."
"What's happened to Caitlyn?"
"Nothing. But if she keeps doing what she's doing she's going to get hurt."
"What are you talking about? What's she doing?"
"I didn't know about this either and Caitlyn is like my bestfriend. Kalani told me. She's worried about Caitlyn. Caitlyn told her not to tell you because she would twll you herself but Kalani knew she wouldn't. The thing is Kalani didn't know how exactly to tell you this. So she called me."
She gives Kalani a look and I grow impatient and worried.
"Okay? Can someone please tell me what's going on already?"
Kalani takes a bottle out of the bag and hands it to me.
I read the bottle.
"These are pain killers."
She gives me a bottle and points to the label.
"These are stronger pain killer than those. These are for migraines."
She hands me another bottle with some words I can't read on it.
"These are....?"
"They are pills for anxiety."
She hands me yet another bottle.
"Those make people sleep."
"Okay? So what is this about? I'm not understanding."
She then turns the bag upside down allowing multiple reciepts fall onto the coffee table.
"Ms.Caitlyn has been buying these for quite some time. A little too frequently. She uses all of these- everyday. I'm not sure how many a day. My guess is 1 or 2 from each bottle a day. I doubt she's taken more than that a day because she'd already be in the hospital. She is abusing these medications Mr.Jackson. This is considered an addiction I think Sir."
I stare at her then at my sister trying to find something that tells me this isn't true.
My eyes wander to the bottles in my hand and on the table, then to the reciepts.
The thing that also scares me is that all these bottles are empty. And some of the recipets are from this today.
Kalani stands up not knowing what else to do.
"Mr.Jackson I'm so sorry. I wish I could've helped, but she won't listen to me. Please get her help, I really care for her." she says then walks out heading towards her own hotel room.
"Michael, what are we going to do? She needs help."
Why is she doing this?
Why is she doing this to herself?
What's she thinking?
What's wrong?
How do I help?
What can I do about it?
Why has she never told me about this?
The thoughts continue to run through my head as Janet takes the bottles and places them back into the bag along with the reciepts.
"Janet leave those here."
"Leave them here. I'm going to talk to her."
"I'll be leaving then. She should be back soon."
"Where is she?" I ask just realising she isn't here.
"I don't know. She didn't tell me. Sorry. Call me later Michael, please. I love you."
I pull her into a hug and kiss her cheek.
"Thanks Janet. For telling me and for caring so much about Cait. I'll call don't worry. I love you more."
She nods and heads out.
I take the bag and walk to the bedroom sitting on the bed.
What am I going to do.


Wellll now you know what she hasnt been telling Michael. Whats he gonna do? Why does she even do this? Where is she? Hope you enjoyed my Moonwalkies. Let me know what you think. Have a good day. I'm sorry it's been so long babies . I'll be on a lot more again. Thanks for sticking through this with me loves ~L.M.F.M <3


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