Chapter 11.

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"M-Michael? What are you doing here?" I ask him. I'm confused as to why he's here but I'm also happy that he is.
"Can I come in?" he says, he's keeping a serious face but I can tell he wants to laugh.
But why?
I move from the door so he can walk in and close it behind me. I turn around and look at him and he lets out a small laugh but quickly tries to cover it up with a fake cough.
"Michael, what's so funny?" I ask, a little annoyed
"Well uh-" he points to me and I look down. I feel my face turn bright red as I realize my robe was still open and he could see my under garments.
I quickly close the robe and hold it to make sure it stays in place.
"I-I'm sorry. I thought it was Marie at the door. I-"
I look down in embarassment.
"It's fine. I don't mind."
I look up to see Michael smirking and I narrow my eyes at him.
"Very cute. Now if you'll excuse me I'll go put on some clothes" I say as I walk past him and head to my room.
As I close the door to my room I let out a sigh That was so embarassing! I can't believe he saw me like that!
"Um, Michael. You could go into the living room if you'd like" I yell, not wanting him to just stand there.
I walk to my closet to try and find something decent to wear. I pull out a dress and smile
I think he'll like this one.
I frown and think to myself
Why does it matter? He won't be seeing you too long. Wear what you going to wear when you go out with MC.
I toss the dress over my shoulder and onto the floor.
Where am I going with MC? Probably just for a walk.
Whenever I'm 'just on a walk' with MC we end up doing something else that requires running or jumping so I probably shouldn't wear sandals. Either way her and I aren't really the 'girly' types anyways. More like tomboyish, but we are classy.
I finally decide to wear my timberlands with a pair of dark colored ripped skinny jeans. I pull on a plain white shirt that's a bit tight as well.
As I'm walking towards the door I see my grey sweater.
I don't think it's that cold out.
Oh well, just in case I guess.
I grab it and tie it,around my waist as I walk out of the room.
I reach the living room and see Michael sitting on the couch deep in thought.
"Uh-hey sorry I took so long. Couldn't decide what to wear" I say laughing a bit nervously.
He looked at me and smiled
"It's fine. You look great."
I couldn't help but blush and smile.
But my smile soon faded away.
"Michael. I don't mean to sound rude, but why are you here? I mean last night you left and I thought you-"
He interupted me and stood up
"Cait, look, I'm sorry about what happend last night. I should have let you explain. I know you have an explanation. Right?"
"Of course I do! Michael, you really think I would kiss him in front of you? Or at all? He kissed me. He held my arms tight when he did and I couldn't break free of his grip. It was only after the kiss that he loosened his grip and I was able to fight back. Michael I would never do that to you. Why didn't you trust me? Or let me explain? I told you I love you, why would I kiss another man...I love you. Why don't you trust me?" I was now yelling, tears rolling down my face and Michael was standing right in front of me.
"Cait. I'm so sorry. Please please forgive me." he pleaded
"I should have stayed and let you explain. I'm sorry"
"I thought you left me, again. I thought you were never coming back again. I convinced myself you didn't really love me." I whispered and looked to the floor.
"Caitlyn. Look at me" he said softly.
I looked up but avoided eye contact
"Please, please tell me you forgive me. Please? Do you forgive me?"
Caitlyn, forgive him. You know he wouldn't be here if he didn't care.
Instead of just telling him, I threw my arms around his neck and whispered "I forgive you" in his ear.
He hugged me back tightly. We just stayed there hugging each other for what seemed like forever.
We pulled away and he put his hands on my waist as we stared into each others eyes. Whenever I stared into his eyes I was in a trance. In a whole other world. I melted looking into his eyes. I could stare at them all day
He leaned in and kissed me gently and I returned the kiss.
I smiled when we parted
"I love you Michael"
"I love you more Cait"


She forgave me! Thank god she forgave me. I was so stupid to believe she would do that to me.
I love her so much and I'm glad I was finally with her after so many years.
I can't stand the thought of being away from her again. She's so beautiful, and loving and amazing.
Make it official.
I can't. Not now. It's not a good time right now.
Not after what happend.
I have to gain her trust back.
I have to make sure she knows how much I love her and need her.
I aslo have to make sure she feels the same why I feel.
"Michael? Are you okay?" Cait asked, the worry obvious in her voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking. Um, Cait do you want to go out again today? We could go somewhere. I'm not sure where. Just out."
She glanced at the clock as did I. It was now 3:35. Wow. Almost 4 already? Time went by really fast.
"Sorry Michael. I told Marie I would go out with her today at 4."
I fake a smile.
"Don't worry about. It's totally fine. I understand."
"Are you sure? I mean I could always-"
"No Cait. Really it's fine."
She stares at me for a while until her phone rings and she picks it up
"Hello? MC! Yeah I'll be right out."
She glances at me but continues to talk.
"Actually MC, come in, the door should be unlocked. There's someone I want you to meet!"
"Cait? What are you doing?" I asked her confused but she just smiles.
The door opens and her friend 'Marie' walks in. Her jaw drops to the floor when she sees me but she doesn't yell because Cait covers her mouth.
"Marie? Chill, okay? Promise you won't scream, okay?"
Marie just nods. She stands there frozen a while, Cait still covering her mouth.
"Ewwwww, Marie don't lick me!" Cait squeals as she uncovers Marie's mouth and wipes her hand on her jeans.
"Your Michael Jackson! Like THE Michel Jackson! I'm Marie. Marie Cambell" she says extending her hand
"Yeah, It's me." I let out a small laugh before continuing
"It's nice to meet you Ms.Cambell. But please don't scream." I say shaking her hand.
"Don't worry I wont scream! I'm used to meeting stars. I'm a fashion designer and somewhat of a DJ" she looks over and winks at Cait. "But please, call me Marie, or just MC"
She says with a wide smile, I just laugh. She then furrows her eyebrows
"What are you doing here in Ca- no way! Caitie are you two dating!?" she asks turning to Cait, who is now blushing.
"MC! No, we aren't dating we- he was just- we're just..."
I could see she was stuck so I cut in
"We're just bestfriends."
Cait flashes a smile at me.
"Well, it's nice to know that. Any friend of Caitlyn is a friend of mine!" Marie annonces proudly.
"But um, Caitie I think we should get going. No rush but there's like nobody at the Fair by the Pier! Wierd huh? Guess everybody's at the Board Walk or something. I heard they're having some kind of winter start kick- off party. But that means we can ride all the rides with no wait time! We'll go to the kick-off later."
"Actually. I was going to ask you if Michael could come with us?"
I looked at her confused.
"No, Cait I said it was fine really I-" before I could finish she walked over to me and held my hand and begged
"Please. Please. Michael please. Pretty Please?"
"With a cherry on top?" Marie added causing me to laugh.
"Okay fine." I said finally giving in and the girls high fived each other as we walked out.


Woahz a lot in one chapter. Sorry I just couldn't sleep so when I wrote this. It's not that great to me. Everything seems so rushed. But I don't know. I guess I can't do better, so I'll just leave it haha. ~L.M.F.M <3


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