Chapter 47.

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°Febuary 5, 1989°

My eyes slowly open, adjusting to the warm sunlight creeping in through the blinds, lighting the dim room.
I turn and face a still sleeping Caitlyn.
Today might just be the day!
I decide not to wake Caitlyn, so quietly, I get out of bed and shuffle to the bathroom to get showered.
Once I'm all dressed I open the bathroom door and peek out into the room, spotting Cait sitting with her legs crossed on the bed, still looking half asleep.
"Michael?" she whispers
"Yes honey?" I quietly answer
"Why are you up? It's- early."
I let out a small laugh before responding,
"Cait it's almost 12."
"12!! We slept so much!"
"I know sweetie but we have alot to do today so please get ready."
I wink at Caitlyn as I walk out, closing the door behind me.
Kalani is already in the kitchen working up some breakfast for Caitlyn and I. She serves my food and sets it in front of me on the counter top but I pay it no mind. I'm too deep in thought about the plans for today.
"Sir? Are you alright?" Kalani asks snapping me back into reality.
"Huh? Oh yes, I'm just nervous about today that's all."
"Are you going to-"
"Yes. Today is the day. I can feel it."
"Then there is nothing to worry about. I'm sure she'll say yes." Kalani assures me giving me a warm smile.
"Who will say yes to what?"
I quickly turn around to face Caitlyn, who has a confused look on hed face.
"Oh um- I- uh..."
I uh what?? I'm at a loss for words! What do I say?
"Mr.Jackson wasn't sure if you were okay with being out for a while today seeing as you got up rather late and still tired." Kalani fills in, saving me.
"Oh, of course! I just needed a good shower!" Cait smiles as she leans in for a kiss then takes a seat next to me, starting to enjoy her food.



We finally finished our meals and head out. Michael and I have been out all day today. We took a beautiful tour around Neverland, which I never saw in it's entirety before, then Michael took me to a relaxing spa, then shopping, then out for lunch, then to a beautfiul museum, then to a stunning fashion show, then to his private studio. Michael took me everywhere I've always wanted to go.
"Do you want anything else?" Michael questions.
"Oh no! Michael I'm full."
"Well do you want to go anywhere in specific?"
"Michael! You've spoiled me literally all day today! I think you deserve to choose where we go next, IF we're headed somewhere else."
"Seems fair."
Michael pays for the food and we head off to- who knows where.
The limo comes to a stop and Michael rushes out to open the door for me.
He takes my hand and helps me out.
"The beach? Right now? It's already dark."
"What? You don't want to be here? We can leave-"
"Oh no! I'm just not really much- dressed for the beach." I giggle looking down at my attire consisting of heels and a long skirt.
"Don't be silly! Just leave your heels here, you'll be fine." Michael winks.
I do as I'm told, then he takes my hand and we start walking on the soft sand of the beach.
As we walk Michael seems to be deep in thought.
"Michael are you okay?"


Caitlyn's question brings me back.
"I'm fine." I answer smiling at her.
"Here, I know the perfect spot to go. See if you can keep up."
I start running towards the spot and look back seeing Caitlyn run as fast as she can to keep up with me.
I finally reach the peir and wait for Caitlyn who soon after comes to a stop in front of me bending over with her hands on her knees huffng and puffing.
"You're so slow!" I exclaim jokingly.
"No! You're just really fast! And in my defense you did start before me!" she defends.
I laugh as she catches her breath and stands up.
"That was so much fun!"
I admire her beauty as she smiles.
Her hair falls out of the clip in which she had it and her natural brown waves fall to her shoulders.
I caress her cheek.
"You're so beautiful." I whisper.
She lets out a small laugh an thanks me but I get the feelings she still doesn't believe me.
"Cait, I'm serious. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Everything about you is just gorgeous. From the day we became closer as teenagers to the day we reunited to now, I have these same strong feelings for you. In fact I think it's safe to say that everyday my feelings grow for you. Cait, you are so beautiful, and I will tell you everyday for the rest of our lives if I have to. Your smile lights up the world Cait. I can watch you smile forever. You're also beautiful on the inside Caitlyn." I pause and take her small hand in mine.
"You love me for me. You don't love me because I'm THE MICHAEL JACKSON, you love me because I'm simply Michael Jackson." I shrug laughing.
"You have been there for me through everything. Even throught the times I let you down. When I think about when I- left and- was gone- and you got hurt or something happened to you or even shed a tear, it hurts me so much. Trust me if I could go back I'd be by your side the entire time and never would have let anything happen to you. I beat myself up and I blame myself all the time for any bad that has come to you and any wrong anyone has done to you and I'm so sorry Caitlyn." Tears now flow from my eyes, down my cheek and Caitlyn wipes them away.
"Shhh, Michael, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. I'm fine right? I'm here, with you and in the end that's all that matters." she whispers holding back her own tears.
"Cait, seeing you hurt causes me so much pain and I never want to see you hurt again. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Caitlyn and I don't want you to ever leave my side." 
I take a small step back. I move my hand from my pocket and get on one knee in one swift movement.
I look up at Cait, who's eyes are wide and tears threaten to spill out.
"Everything about you is perfect. I love you so much, more then you will ever know and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Caitlyn Hendricks, will you marry me?"

Oh my goshhhh! Can you believe it! Married!?!? Well we have to wait to see what Caitlyn will say right? Well I had some writers block and came up with this soo its not that great but stay with me.! Thank you all my Moonwalkies I love you all!

This story might be coming to an end soon! I'm not sure yet. But don't worrt I have 2 more books already written and planned out for you!

Hope you all had a good day! ~L.M.F.M <3


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