Chapter 61.

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I decided to give you guys a picture this chapter 😌. Isn't he just 😍😍 anyways ...


After an intese stare down they both speak at the same time causing me to be even more confused.



Why was he calling her Joyce? Where'd he get that name from?
Again... How did they know each other?

I just wanted answers to those few questions.

And I just wanted to go home and rest in a comfortable bed with the love of my life with no negativity at all.

But here I am, standing in a hospital, with my soon to be wife in the bed, staring at some man.

This is has been one hell of a couple days.


"Jaden?" He chuckles.

"Is that what your mother still called me?"

I nod, and even though he was gone for so long, I don't feel awkward, I feel... Comfortable actually. 

"Joyce..." He trails off stepping closer to me.

"Jaden, why do you keep calling me Joyce?" I question.

"Why do you keep calling me Jaden?"

"Well, it's your middle name. It's what my mother called you and it's what I've always called you."

"That is true. And Joyce, my lovely one, is your middle name. It's what Anna and I called you, I've hardly ever called you Caitlyn." He smiles.

"Mom stopped calling me Joyce actually." I state.

He just stares at me and I thought I saw a hint of hurt flashing in his eyes.

I shrugged it off.

"Anyways, if Jaden is your middle name then what is your first? I'm sure mom told me, but I forgot."

"It's Donovan. Donovan Jaden Alverez."

"Donovan..." I repeat. It's so strange saying that name when all I've known to him as was Jaden.

"Okay... And my name is Michael, and Caitlyn I'd love to know what's going on here?"

Michael speaks up annoyed.

"Oh um Michael, this is..."

I stare at Donovan.

"This is my dad."

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