Chapter 71.

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•March 7,1989•

I don't hear anything from anyone at this point and it's scary. I began to feel as if they're all judging me.

Janet nudges my ribs an gestures for me to look up at them.

I do as I'm told only to meet Michael's gaze.


I stare at Caitlyn.

She looks so beautiful. Everything about her is beautiful.

Her skin is glowing, her hair is shining, she dressed very casually but very well. Her eyes search mine and I can see she's scared.

"Caitlyn, you look- beautiful." I smile at her sweetly, earning a shy smile back.

She walks towards me and holds my hand.

"Do you mean it? You really like it?" She asks.

"Of course I do. You look beautiful." My eyes drop to her tummy.

And I realize she's actually showing. The baby bump is there and noticeable and I couldn't be happier.

"You're showing!" I say surprised.

She just nods, frowning.

"Excuse us for a moment." I tell our guests who have gone back to their own conversations.

"Cait? Why don't you seem happy to be showing? Aren't you happy?"

"Michael, I am happy. It's just, it's just I'm scared. Or I was scared. I don't know anymore Michael."

"Just explain, why you are scared or were scared or whatever. Either way I'll listen."

"I was afraid that, me showing would make you not want me anymore." She states and my heart stops.

"What?" I asks almost voiceless.

"I know you've always wanted kids and I know you love me and want this baby but I'm scared once I get bigger, you won't want to love me the same. You won't look at me the same. You'll always have the love for me but it won't be the same. I just don't want you to stop loving me."

"Caitlyn I would never, ever in my life stop loving you. Especially not over a baby bump-"

"And I'll get fatter Michael!"

"Baby, you were never fat to begin with. You having my baby has made me the happiest man in the world. This baby bump means more than you know. It's making me love you and admire you even more. And if anything it's done what I thought was impossible."

"What's the impossible?"

"It makes you look even more beautiful."

She blushes and looks down. I lift her chin up and bend down slightly.

"Caitlyn, there's nothing in this world that can change the way I feel about you, in a negative way that is, and trust me you'll always look good to me too."

I hug her and kiss the top of her head softly.

"I like what you've chosen to wear today. And I haven't seen you wear makeup in a while, it looks good." I smile at her, she looked beautiful with and without makeup.

"And I like your hair. It's growing."

I compliment every single aspect about her until she can't turn anymore red.

"I'll take you shopping for Maternity clothes whenever you need, just let me know." I kiss her lips tenderly, take hold of her hand and walk back into the dining room.

As we walk back I can't help but stare at her.

She's honestly so beautiful. There's nothing that will ever change that. Even when we grow old I bet she'll still glow.

I look down at the baby bump. I can't wait for the baby to be born. He'll be the most beautiful baby, I can just feel it. He'll have a pure soul and I'll do anything to keep a smile on his face.

On both of their faces.

One day, Caitlyn and I will live in peace.

One day, very soon, we'll have a beautiful family. And a beautiful life.

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