Chapter 72.

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•March 7,1989•

We had dinner with Frank, Quincy, Janet, Marie, and her boyfriend, whose name is Marcus, "Marucs Kingston Wright" as he introduced himself.

Anyways, after dinner, Caitlyn went straight to sleep.

I layed in bed next to her with one arm around her and the other propping my head up. I thought about the baby.

He's healthy and that's all I ever wanted. We still don't know for sure whether the baby is a male or female but I have a feeling that it's a boy.

A pregnancy is really 40 weeks, so the baby should be here early September, and I can't wait.

Tomorrow would make 13 weeks. She's a week closer to giving birth.

It might be strange that I know this, but I'm just so excited and I've always wanted a child so the day this baby is born will be the happiest day of my life.

I've already started planning the surprise for Caitlyn and it should be happening soon.

I go to dial the number from last time when the phone rings.

I quickly pick it up.

"Michael?" The person whispers.


"I have a brilliant idea, you'll love it, and so will Caitlyn."

"I'm listening."

I listen to every single detail and aspect about this new idea and I love it. It's my idea intertwined within hers. It's great. It's perfect. Exactly what Caitlyn needs.

We've decided that maybe we'd wait a while before we actually set it up.

But for now, I have to start making the ideas perfect and makin sure when that day comes, nothing goes wrong. At all.

NOTE : THERE ARE GOING TO BE A LOT OF TIME SKIPS FROM NOW ON! I will continue to post the current date at the top so hopefully you wont be as confused. 
Super short chapter I know 😭. Anyways be ready for the next chapter! Love you all. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and are having a wonderful day today ~L.M.F.M <3

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