Chapter 87.

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•July 15,1989•

Once I reached her, I smiled down at her.

"Will you come with me?" I asked her softly.

She nodded and smiled as I lead her in front of everyone where there was a small "dance floor" type of thing in front of the DJ table.

"Will everyone join us for this dance? I know the first dance should be a solo dance, but I would like everyone to be a part of it."

I asked politely.

Everyone cheered as they grabbed their significant other and headed to the dance floor as the slow songs beat began playing through the speakers.

"You look stunning Caitlyn." I whispered causing her to blush.

"Thank you Michael, you don't look so bad yourself."

I chuckled and brought her closer to me.

"What do you think so far? I mean I know you just got here but what do you think?"

"Everything looks so beautiful. I love it. This is perfect. Thank you so much Michael, you didn't have to do this for me."

"I didn't have to but I wanted to. Because you deserve this and so much more. I'm glad you like it."

"You look so good Michael. It's rather simple to be a Michael Jackson outfit, but boy does it look good." She stated, earning a smile.

"Well, I knew my mother would get you a simple dress so, I matched the idea." I winked.

Caitlyn layed her head on my shoulder as we swayed back and forth to the music.

The song ended and everyone took their seats once again.

I had a seat set out for Caitlyn and I was handed a mic. I looked at Caitlyn and she looked surprised and confused and I giggled before continuing.


I sat there in the chair Michael had someone place in the middle of the dance floor, where everyone could see me.

He stood there smiling at me before turning to the guests.

My eyes followed him then I found Marie's eyes.

I looked at her confused but she looked just as confused as she shrugged.

This must have not been planned.

"Um, hello everyone. I'd like to thank everyone for coming out today, it means a lot to us. Before we let the party continue I would like to sing a song."

Everyone clapped.

"Um it's a song I from a while ago actually."

He said turning his head to me at the last part.

"Um, Caitlyn and I were best friends when this song was first released. I remember singing it to Caitlyn before it was released so that she would be the first to hear it. I loved her then, and I love her even more now. So this means a lot more today."

I smiled, blushing like never before.

"I'd actually like to dedicate the song to her now. I always loved her, it just took me a while to realize but I'm glad I did."

"So, um yeah here goes." He chuckled nervously and I smiled at his shyness.

He looked over at the backup singers I hadn't even realized were there and nodded his head.

The song started and my heart began to beat faster, remembering the time he sang it to me.

"We've got forever forever" the singers began then Michael started.

"I'll plant you a garden
Of laughter and tears
With rain and with sunshine
Love will grow through the years
The dreams that we're dreaming
Have time to come true
'cause we've got forever,
And forever is meant for so very few

We shall have music
We shall have rhyme
We shall have each other
One minute after the end of time

(Ooh baby)

Then we'll add up the pleasures,
And treasure the sums
Caring is sharing
The cake and the crumbs
How lucky we are to be me and you!

'Cause we've got forever
And forever is meant for so very few"

The backup singers chanted the same thing over and over as Michael sang a few more lines.

"Me and you baby!

We got a million tomorrows!

I know that we got it,
I know that wr got it!

Me and you baby!"

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