Chapter 13.

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I feel really bad that I have to leave Caitie even though I promised I would spend the day with her.
I got a call from Les telling me he wanted me back home. I have to hurry up.
He really is annoying. But I can't stay. He called me so I have to go.
I know I have to but I'm not sure how to tell Caitie the fun was over after just around 2 hours.
I have to be at home by 6:30. That's less than 15 minutes! It's 6:17!
You have to ask her to take you home, now!
No just walk there.
Are you crazy? It's too far of a walk. You'll never get there in time! And Les will be so angry.
Just ask her to drive you home.
It's not so bad. You live in the apartment complex right next to hers. It's no a big deal.
"MC are you okay?" I hear Caitie ask me. I look up quickly and sigh
"No. Les called me and he wan- needs me back home. I'm really sorry Caitie. I would walk but it's far. Can you drive me home? Please?"
"Um... Yeah no problem". I smile and head towards the car.
But then Michael speaks up.
"Actually um I have another idea..."
Cait and I look at Michael with confusion.
"I was thinking, um, Cait can she drive herself home? We can stay a little longer and then I can have someone pick us up... If that's okay with you?"
I looked at Caitie to see what she was going to say. Whatever she decided I need to know quickly. I had to get home in time.
"Sure. Here MC. Be safe." She smiles and tosses me her car keys.
"Thanks Caitie your the best. 'Till next time Michael." I wink at her and run off to the car, I really can't be late.

I added her P.O.V cause it'll matter later haha. But yeah.... Um it's not great but you get the point. She really really needs to get home. Wonder why? And why does Michael want to stay a little longer with Caitlyn? Hmmmm. Find out soon my Moonwalkies (haha IDK). Have a good night ~L.M.F.M <3

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