Chapter 5.

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I plop down on the couch, turn on the tv and look at the time. It's a little past 3 o'clock. An hour before I go out with Marie. As I'm flipping through the channels, the living room phone ringing. I groan and reach over to answer it
"Yes, may I speak to Ms.Hendricks? This is Marlene, from the lobby..."
"Um this is she." wierd they never call from the lobby.
"There is someone here looking for you. Claims the two of you are 'bestfriends'. But does not know your room number, is it alright if I give out that information?"
Marie's been up here a thousand times, they should know who she is and she should know my room number! Well Marlene is new here, she wouldn't know. And Marie, she's just silly, she forgets alot of things. But she's over an hour early. Huh, must wanna talk more before we leave.
"Um, Ms.Hendricks?" I hear Marlene ask, snapping me out of my thoughts
"Oh yes! Yes! Send them up!" I say then hang up the phone.
I rush to my room to get dressed, I don't want her to see me in drabs. I quickly look for something to wear before she gets here. It's the fourth floor up at the end of the hall, that should give me a little time. I run to the bathroom to get dressed and fix my hair. As I'm pulling my hair back into a high ponytail I hear a knock on the door.


I knock on the door quietly.
No answer.
I knock again a bit louder and listen close for an answer. I finally hear a women yell from inside the apartment.
"Come in!I'm almost ready!"
How'd she know I was coming?
I open the door and make sure it closes behind me. I scan the room looking for her. I hear a voice coming from her room
"Okay Marie, I'm done!"
Who's Marie?
"What do you think?"
Caitlyn walks out of her bedroom looking down, smoothing down her dress. I look at her up and down. She's wearing a blue strapless dress, a simple necklace and black flats and her dark brown hair is pulled into a tight ponytail. She looks stunning.
"It-You- You look great" I stutter and blush. She looks up quickly. I can see from her face she wasn't expecting to see me here. After a few seconds she finally reacts
"Michael!" she screams and throws her self at me hugging me. I fumbled backwards landing on my back with her on top of me. I hug her tight
"Hey, Cait"
She lifts her head and looks at me with tears in her eyes.
"Oh my gosh! I thought I'd never see you again! Michael I missed you so much."
She talks fast and I see tears start falling from her eyes
"Woah, woah Cait, calm down" I laugh
"I can't I'm so happy! We haven't talked in forever! Oh how I missed you. I can't believe your actually here. Oh, where's my head at? Would you like anything?"
"yeah, I'd like to get off the floor" I joke
She looks down realizing she was on top of me and blushes.
"Oh, sorry" she scrambles back up
"It's okay, I missed you so much as well" I hug her as soon as I get back up.
She's a little shorter than I am so she looks up. She suddenly slaps my arm
"What was that for?"
"You stopped calling and writing! You said you'd never leave me and you did! For five years Michael! That's what that's for!" she starts to cry.
"You forgot about me" her voice barely a whisper
I hold her face in my hands, I wanted to kiss her so badly. But I couldn't. She doesn't feel the same way about me, so I just hug her. Suddenly the phone rings and she pulls herself away from answer it....


Woahz that was alot to write! Anyways... Uh im not sure what to say. School starts up soon :-|. Ugh. Anyways have a good day. I really hope I get more than 2 reads :'(
L.M.F.M <3


Hey guys I only edited a couple of dialouge so it's not much of an update. And I fixed a few things to fix the story line. ;P L.M.F.M <3

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