Chapter 9.

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I can't believe it. I can't even put what I'm feeling into words. I open the door to my bedroom and rush to my bed, hiding my face in a pillow. I can't help but cry and scream into the pillow.
Why? Why me? Why did she do this to me? She just said she loved me. But she didn't fight the kiss until after it happened. She was okay with it. She doesn't care about me. She never will.
I'm so heart broken right now. I finally admit my feelings to the girl I thought I could love, I let my gaurd down for her, and this happens.
I let the tears stream down my face. My heart is aching with pain. I feel so numb. My body doesn't want to move yet it's shaking, not wanting to rest. And my heart doesn't want to hold back the pain yet it does. I'm so confused at this point.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.
Just move on.
You'll find better,
But it's not that easy.
I've had strong feelings for her since we were young. I can't just drop that.
You have to. It's what's best.
I close my eyes and try to think what I should do. Unlike my body and heart, my mind isn't confused. It just wants to just rest and not think about anything.
I try to drift off to sleep but I can't, I'm uncomfortable.
I throw off all my clothes just leaving my boxers on and walk to the drawers finding some pajama pants and an old grey t-shirt. I put them on as quickly as I can and hop back into bed. I pull the covers over me once again. I'm not sure exactly why this time but I start to cry. Not able to sleep, I just close my eyes and let the tears stream down my face and luckily after a while I finally drift off to sleep.

~next day~

I sit up holding my head. I must have gotten up too quickly because for a second I felt dizzy.
I throw my legs over the side of the bed and glance at the clock.
Woah! 12:30 P.M. I never sleep that long.
Oh well. Just get up.
I walk to the bathroom. I look into the mirror to see my eyes are red and puffy.
Why are my eyes so red? And puffy? And why do they sting and hurt so bad?
Only then do I remember what happened with Cait.
I finish brushing my teeth and washing my face and head to the kitchen.
Ugh. What am I supposed to eat? I didn't buy anything. I wonder if the hotel's complimentary breakfast is still open.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts about breakfast when I hear a knock at the door.
It's her! Go open it!
No. Don't.
Not sure what I should do I just stand there. Frozen, staring at the door.
I hear the knocking again and then someone speak up
"Mike? Mike let me in! It's Frank!"
I let out a breath I didn't even realize I held as I walk to the door and open it.
As soon as I open the door Frank lets himself in.
"Hey Mike. What you up to? Did you-"
He stopped as soon as he looked up at me.
"Mike... What's with the red eyes?"
"Oh uh, see last night-"
"Was it the girl you were with last night? What did that girl do to you Mike?"
"Wait. How did you know I was with a girl?"
"Well your mother told me you were here. And I wasn't doing much so I came by yesterday and Raymond told me that Paul and Dave drove you to a some girl's house. Now spill it. What happened bud?"
I sighed and walked to the couch and Frank followed me.
"That girl Frank. Caitlyn. I've known her since we were really little. We were close but when we were teenagers we got a lot closer and I grew feelings for her, although I never told her. Long story short I went to visit her yesterday and took her out to dinner and we got back to her apartment and she told me she loved me and we kissed. But then..."
I took a deep breath holding back tears. Frank just looked at me and waited paitiently for me to continue.
"Then the waiter from the restaurant showed up. And they kissed. She didn't care! She let him kiss her! She only faught back after the kiss Frank! After! Why would she do that to me? Why?"
My voice trailed off as I hung my head in my hands. Tears pouring out of my eyes.
I felt Frank sit next to me and pat my back. He wasn't the best at comforting people but at least he was trying.
After a while of silence I heard Frank speaking in a soft voice
"You know Mike, what if she really does love you. What if it's just a big misundertanding? Did you talk to her about it?"
"No. I-I-I uh,"
I remebered what I said to her when I walked out.
"Oh man Frank. I think I messed up. I didn't even let her explain."
"Well, if I were you, I'd go to her apartment and let her explain. You never know what happened Mike, and I really hate to see you like this. I hope you feel better."
He gave me one last pat on the back, got up and walked out.
Maybe he's right. You were kind of a jerk last night.
But she also 'kind of' deserved it though right? Why would she do that to me.
I don't know but you should find out before it's too late.
Yeah go now.
I got up, determined I was going to see Caitlyn. And I was going to demand that she give me an explanation. I walked out of my room
"Paul? Dave?" I asked as they turned around to see me
"We have to go back to Caitlyn's house. Right now"
They gave me a confused face and exchanged looks
"Um sir? Do you wish to head to her house like that?" Dave finally says.
I look down to see what he means and realize I'm still in the clothes I went to sleep in.
"Right. I'll be right back" I laughed and rushed inside.
I quickly showered, put on a pair of black slack and a red button up shirt. I wore my white sock and black loafer. I also grabbed my black fedora and sunglasses.
This time I headed outside and said
"Okay. Ready now guys."
Dave and Paul laughed a bit and gave me a thumbs up. We then made our way to the elevator.

Sooo what'd you think? sorry this chapter was boring i guess. -L.M.F.M <3

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