Chapter 95.

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"Honestly, for a long time I felt as if my life was going to go down hill. I had everything I'd ever wanted, everything I worked so hard for. Everything I fought for. I had it.

I had everything.

At least I thought I did.

But, in reality, I didn't.

Everything I had, was material. All of it was material. I wasn't truly happy with my life, I wasn't content. I blamed everything else for it but that's because I wasn't being honest with myself. I knew what I was missing but I never wanted to admit it.

I was the only one to blame for this.

What I was missing was Caitlyn.

The whole time, all I needed was for Caitlyn to come back into my life. She's all I ever needed. When she came back, my world instantly lit back up. And even though we went through many tough times, she was still the only person who could ever make me happy.

I didn't want to admit it because it was my fault she wasn't around, and my ego wouldn't allow for me to blame myself.

But once I found her again, my whole world came back together.

She was the one who made everything better. She was there when nobody was. When she wasn't in my life for a short period, I had nobody I could really trust.

Yeah I had, Coworkers and staff and friends here and there, but none I could really trust.

You know?

All along, the whole time it was Caitlyn.

It was only she who I wanted and needed. I wouldn't have anybody else.

I wouldn't settle for anything less. I wanted the best and the best was Caitlyn. 

All I needed was Caitlyn's love. She was my world and now-"

I stopped writing as soon as I heard the door creaking open and soft footsteps approaching me.

"Hey baby." Caitlyn smiled, bending down slightly so I could take hold of our son, Prince Noel Jackson, as she held our daughter Paris Jade Jackson.

"Hey." I smiled back.

"What you up to?"  She questioned nodding towards the paper I was just writting on.

"Oh, just finishing up the book, almost done."

"That's great baby, I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks babe, so I'll finish real quick then we'll be on our way the doctors, alright?"

She nodded and took Prince back into her arms and left the library.

I looked back to paper, picked the pen up and continued writing.

"(and now...) I had my beautiful children with her. Our precious little twins, Prince and Paris, and she was pregnant again. My life couldn't have gone better. This is what I've always dreamed of. What I've always wanted to happen.

I was married to the love of my life, my soul mate, and we had 2 (soon to be 3) beautiful babies. What more could I have asked for?

All thanks to God, this was all possible.

Of course, I still thank the fans for being there with me through everything, I love each and everyone of you. But as of right now, I'll be taking a short break.

I promise I am not gone forever, but I also promised my wife that I'd do everything in my power to keep my children safe and I'd like to spend as much time as I can with them right now.

This is not my goodbye. Please do not think that I am leaving you, I will still be here for you all and I always will be. That will never change. I will still be working on music, my life still revolves around it, but as for tours? It will be another year or so until I start a new tour.

Please understand why I am doing this. My wife and I appreciate everything you do. I promise we will keep you updated on as much as we can, I will not leave you in the dust. Thank you, I love you all.

Again, this is not a goodbye. This is a.... 'Till next time.  Stay Safe, Care For Our World and It's Children and Always Dare To Dream.
                         Signed, yours truly 

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